The Roles of Parents in Preventing Bullying Behavior in Children at Aged 5-6 Years Old


  • Yasinta Maria Fono Early Childhood Education, Citra Bakti High School of Teacher Education
  • Konstantinus Dua Dhiu Early Childhood Education, Citra Bakti High School of Teacher Education
  • Midhun Dominic Departemen of Theology, Navarra University of Spain
  • Vinsensia Meo Early Childhood Education, Citra Bakti High School of Teacher Education
  • Sisilia Ndange Early Childhood Education, Citra Bakti High School of Teacher Education



The roles of parents, Bullying behavior, Early childhood.


Early childhood is often referred to as the golden age. This age is a very important period for a child. Education in this age range will determine the next stage of child development. This research aims to determine the roles of parents in preventing bullying behavior in children aged 5-6 years old at Early Childhood. This research is a qualitative research. Data collection techniques were using by observation and interview techniques. The data analysis technique were using by reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that parents play an important role in preventing bullying behavior. Parents apply appropriate parenting styles for children because parenting applied by parents will have an influence on children's behavior. Parenting patterns applied by parents include applying discipline, advising, reprimanding, scolding, directing activities, monitoring activities, and setting an example for children. Parents must build good communication with children and schools related to child development so that there is a continuity of children's attitudes at home and at school.



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