// IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) 2023-12-27T10:25:02+08:00 Intan Dwi Hastuti Open Journal Systems <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">Journal Title</td><td width="80%"><strong>IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application)</strong></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">Initials</td><td width="80%"><strong>IJECA</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">Frequency</td><td width="80%"><strong>3</strong> <strong>issues per year (April, August, December)</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">DOI</td><td width="80%"><strong>prefix 10.31764 by <a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" height="14" /></a></strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">ISSN</td><td width="80%"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">2614-3380</a></strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%"><span>OAI Address</span></td><td width="80%"><strong><a href="/index.php/ijeca/oai"></a></strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%"><span>Editor-in-Chief</span></td><td width="80%"><strong><img src="/public/site/images/lukman/icon-orang3.jpg" alt="" /> Assoc. Prof. Dr. Intan Dwi Hastuti<br /><img src="/public/site/images/lukman/icon-kampus.jpg" alt="" /> Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram<br /><img src="/public/site/images/lukman/icon-scopus_0.jpg" alt="" /> <a href="" target="_blank">Scopus ID 57211409095</a><br /><img src="/public/site/images/lukman/icon-scholar.jpg" alt="" /> <a href=";hl=id&amp;oi=ao" target="_blank">Google Scholar</a><br /></strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">Managing Editor</td><td width="80%"><strong><img src="/public/site/images/lukman/icon-orang3.jpg" alt="" /> Assist. Prof. Syaharuddin<br /><img src="/public/site/images/lukman/icon-kampus.jpg" alt="" /> Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram<br /><img src="/public/site/images/lukman/icon-scopus_0.jpg" alt="" /> Scopus ID <a href="" target="_blank">57204821706</a><br /><img src="/public/site/images/lukman/icon-scholar.jpg" alt="" /> <a href=";authuser=3&amp;user=N60_aooAAAAJ" target="_blank">Google Scholar</a></strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%"><span>Indexing</span></td><td width="80%"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">SINTA (Grade 3)</a>, <a href=";hl=id&amp;authuser=3" target="_blank">Google Scholar</a>, <a href=";qt=results_page" target="_blank">WorldCat</a>, <a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank">CrossRef</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Garba Rujukan Digital (Garuda)</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">ROAD</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Moraref</a>, <a href=";search_text=%2010.31764%2Fijeca&amp;search_type=kws&amp;search_field=full_search&amp;and_facet_source_title=jour.1387884" target="_blank">Dimensions</a></strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%"><span>Publisher</span></td><td width="80%"><strong><strong><a href="/index.php/">Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram</a></strong><br /><strong><strong></strong></strong></strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%"><span>Contact</span></td><td width="80%"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a> | Support IT <strong><strong><a href=";text=Assalamualaikum,%20Kami%20Ingin%20Publish%20Paper%20di%20JMM">+62 878-6400-3847</a></strong></strong></strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%"> <span>Publication</span></td><td width="80%"> <strong>April 2018</strong></td></tr></tbody></table><p><strong>IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application)</strong> is published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. This journal accepts manuscripts of research results in the field of education, curriculum, and its application. Additionally, the editorial team accepts research results in fields including strategic studies on curriculum development; implementation of the old and new curriculum at every level of education; Islamic character education; study of learning models based on the teachings of various religions in the world; development of technology-based learning media; implementation of technology in learning; and integration of local culture in the learning process (ethnomathematics, ethnoscience, ethnopedagogy, ethno-edutainment, etc.).</p> // Systematic Literature Review: Family Economics Education as an Effort to Enhance Family Economic Resilience Based on Local Culture 2023-12-27T10:25:01+08:00 Ericha Tiara Hutamy Rezi Safutri Salsabila Putri Muhammad Aqiel Rifky Afryan Muhammad Hasan <p>This research aims to examine the importance of economic education in a family environment based on local culture in an effort to increase family economic resilience. In the context of globalization and social change, families need to understand and adapt to economic principles that are relevant to everyday life. Local culture provides a strong foundation for shaping family economic thinking and behavior. One of the key aspects of family economic education is the development of economic literacy and good economic behavior. This research uses the PRISMA 2020 systematic literature review method, utilizing Scopus and Google Scholar as research databases, with search results obtaining 239 articles (Scopus = 39 articles with a time period of 2018–2022, and Google Scholar = 200 articles with a time period of 2018–2022). Then, selection and evaluation are carried out to obtain relevant articles. Meanwhile, data collection uses a systematic review by analyzing research manuscripts obtained from Google Scholar that have been indexed nationally and internationally in the last five years, which aims to answer research questions by summarizing various research results. In facing modern challenges, the existence of the traditions of the Kajang Tribe applies the principles of Tallasa Kamase-masea and Pasang as a strong foundation in all aspects of human life. Apart from that, these traditions also become the pride and identity of the Kajang Ammatoa indigenous people, strengthening the continuity of their culture in an environment that continues to develop. Based on the research results, it was found that economic education in the family acts as a catalyst to increase the family's economic resilience.</p><p> </p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ericha Tiara Hutamy, Rezi Safutri, Salsabila Putri, Muhammad Aqiel Rifky Afryan, Muhammad Hasan // Equating Principles in Assessment: A Literature Review in the Context of Education and Assessment 2023-12-27T10:25:01+08:00 Muh. Fitrah Ilyas Ilyas Nur Rahmi Akbarini Oscar Oscar Edi Istiyono Widihastuti Widihastuti <p>This literature review explores the fundamental concepts and methods related to equating principles in the context of educational assessment. Equating, as a complex statistical technique, plays an increasingly crucial role in ensuring fairness and accuracy in test-based assessments. The literature review methodology begins with the identification of key themes regarding equating principles in education and assessment. It utilizes keywords and scholarly databases to search for relevant sources, selecting those that are up-to-date and possess robust methodologies. The result is a deeper understanding of the concept of equating in the context of educational assessment. The study highlights the significant relevance of equating in education, where test results are often used for critical decision-making. Extensive discussions on the practical implications of implementing equating in educational policy and assessment, as well as its impact on students, teachers, and educational institutions, are presented. In conclusion, a critical understanding of equating is essential to ensure fair, consistent, and meaningful assessments in an ever-evolving educational landscape.</p><p> </p><p> </p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muh. Fitrah, Ilyas, Nur Rahmi Akbarini, Oscar, Edi Istiyono, Widihastuti // The Implementation of Integrity Values to Foster Anti-Corruption Attitudes in Elementary School Students 2023-12-27T10:25:01+08:00 Debi Heryanto Atika Susanti Ady Darmansyah <p>Anti-corruption education plays a crucial role in addressing the issue of corruption. The rise in corruption cases showcased on various social media platforms indicates the urgency of preventing and eliminating its adverse effects on the nation's economy, core values, and state ideology. This research aims to describe the implementation of Integrity Values to Foster Anti-Corruption Attitudes in Elementary School Students. The research methodology used is a qualitative descriptive method. The subjects in the research include both teachers and students. Specifically, the study encompassed three teachers and nine students in the 4th grade. Research instruments used observation guidelines, interview guides, and documentation. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted through several steps, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. To ensure the validity of the data, this research examined four dimensions: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of integrity values in the effort to foster anti-corruption attitudes among students at Elementary School has been carried out through various activities, including: (1) The "Honesty Canteen," where students are provided with the opportunity to interact with integrity in a real-life context, (2) The correction of homework assignments in the classroom, which encourages students to complete tasks honestly and accurately, (3) The teaching of Civic Education at the elementary school level, (4) The enforcement of rules regarding school attendance, guiding on school discipline. Based on the research findings, it can be deduced that the implementation of integrity values aimed at fostering anti-corruption attitudes at Elementary School has achieved success, especially within the context of the national curriculum and various student-engaging activities within the school. This underscores the school's commendable efforts in instilling anti-corruption values among elementary school students.</p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Debi Heryanto, Atika Susanti, Ady Darmansyah // Development of an Ethnographic-Based IPAS Learning Supplement Book on the Independent Curriculum for Elementary School 2023-12-27T10:25:01+08:00 Wahyu Nugroho Windi Ari Utami <p>The development of teaching materials is an important part of education, especially with current curriculum changes. Teaching materials are part of learning that teachers use to deliver learning material to suit learning objectives. This research aims to develop an ethnography-based supplement book product in the Independent Curriculum science and science learning to improve student learning outcomes on the influence of force on objects. This research was carried out in Class IV of an elementary school. This type of research is Research and Development (RnD) research using the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) development method. The sampling technique in research uses purposive sampling technique. The results of the validation instruments in the research included media expert validation showing 86.11%, language expert validation showing 97.2%, and material expert validation showing 96.16%. Based on the research results, there are differences in the learning outcomes before and after using the ethnography-based science and science learning supplement book. The ethnography-based science and science learning supplement book contains material on science and social studies in everyday life. So, it is hoped that the supplement book for science and science subjects based on ethnography can help class IV students understand the influence of forces in the environment on objects.</p><p> </p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Wahyu Nugroho, Windi Ari Utami // Developing Local-based English Module with Scavenger Hunts to Foster Pancasila Learners Profile 2023-12-27T10:25:01+08:00 Haiyudi Haiyudi Muhammad Tohir Sofwan Arif Agil Tiara Putri Safira Hendra Budiawan Andini Andini Sitthipon Art-in Since this research was conducted, Junior high school, 1 Kepulauan Pongok has just started implementing the Kurikulum Merdeka (Independent Curriculum). Therefore, this research aims developing an English Module with local content to strengthen Pancasila Learners’ Profile. This belongs to Research and Development using 4D (defining, designing, developing, disseminating) approach. The sample was an English teacher and 31 students of class IX at Junior high school, 1 Kepulauan Pongok. The data were gained through interview and observation as the need analysis process. Distributing questionnaire is another data collecting technique to be then quantitatively analyzed using comparative analysis to the prescribed criteria. Based on the results of the validity questionnaire conducted by two expert validators, an average percentage of 86.40% was obtained as very valid. The practicality results from the students’ side show a percentage of 92.50% and 87.50% from the teachers which indicates very practical category. It can be concluded that the local cultural values of Bangka Belitung integrated to the English module with Scavenger Hunts are suitable, practical, and useful for students and teachers. Researchers further recommend the use of this module for teaching English, especially for the type of descriptive text that is appropriate to learning outcomes. 2023-12-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Haiyudi, Muhammad Tohir, Sofwan Arif Agil, Tiara Putri Safira, Hendra Budiawan, Andini, Sitthipon Art-in // The Concept of Facilities and Infrastructure Management in Schools: A Literature Review 2023-12-27T10:25:01+08:00 Abid Nurhuda Muhammad Al Fajri Ts Engku Shahrulerizal bin Engku Ab Rahman <p>Education is a long-term investment in human resources and aims to produce quality generations. One way to guarantee the achievement of this goal is to require standards for facilities and infrastructure that schools must have and how to manage this, because there are still many schools that don't know about it, plus there are inadequate facilities, which creates a quality gap between schools themselves. So this research aims to describe the concept of management of facilities and infrastructure in schools. The method used is a literature study with a descriptive qualitative approach, then the relevant content is analyzed and conclusions are drawn. The results of the research show that the concept of infrastructure management in schools includes 3 important things, namely the planning concept, then the procurement concept which consists of purchasing, self-manufacturing, renting, borrowing, receiving grants, exchanging, recycling, and repairing, finally the regulatory concept which consists of inventory, storage, maintenance, and use. The hope is that these concepts can optimize the educational process and make learning in schools more effective and efficient.</p><p> </p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Abid Nurhuda, Muhammad Al Fajri, Ts Engku Shahrulerizal bin Engku Ab Rahman // Problem-Solving Ability in Learning Islamic Education Philosophy Course through IDEAL Stages 2023-12-27T10:25:01+08:00 Amrullah Amrullah Meli Fauziah Aini Syahira Jamaluddin Ahmad Bustomi Islamic education philosophy course cultivates students’ critical thinking skill when they are able to solve problems in learning well. Due to the complexity of the course, students often face some difficulties. The aim of this study is to describe problem-solving ability in learning Islamic Education Philosophy course through IDEAL stages (Identify, Define, Examine, Act, and Look). This study used a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. The data were analysed descriptively using manual mathematic calculation. The results of this study revealed that the IDEAL stages were effectively used for solving problems encountered in learning Islamic Education Philosophy course. From the skill test, 8 students got a score of 100 on the A scale with a percentage of 22% who were able to answer correctly and completely in each IDEAL stage. Besides, there were also 10 students who got a score of 97 on A scale with a percentage of 28% who almost carried out all stages correctly and completely. In addition, there were 7 students who got a score of 94 on the B scale with a percentage of 18% which means incomplete in several stages and there were 14 students who got a score of 91 on the B scale with a percentage of 40% which was still weak in several IDEAL stages. 2023-12-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Amrullah, Meli Fauziah, Aini Syahira Jamaluddin, Ahmad Bustomi // Promoting Student’s Well-being in Islamic Education: Teacher Strategies and Future Prospects 2023-12-27T10:25:02+08:00 Uswatun Hasanah Yoga Anjas Pratama Ayu Reza Ningrum Nuha Nuraini <p>Islamic education has been modernized in every respect to meet the demands of the day, yet the results have fallen short of expectations. One reason is that learning activities place less emphasis on factors of student well-being. As a result, the purpose of this study is to increase student well-being in Islamic education, with an emphasis on teacher strategies and future possibilities. This study is field research, the research informants were 8 Islamic teachers from five Islamic educational institutions in Bandar Lampung who were determined using a purposive sampling technique. According to the study, student well-being is vital to successful learning. Thus numerous parties, particularly teachers, play a role in fostering student well-being. Personal consultation, sharing sessions, fostering openness and trust, not judging students and carefully listening to them, being careful with language and always giving up space for inquiries, and teaching how to seek help are some of the teacher strategies that can be implemented. It can be concluded, that future teachers can seek to create student well-being by implementing strategies that address students' needs in four dimensions: having, loving, being, and health.</p><p> </p> 2023-12-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Uswatun Hasanah, Yoga Anjas Pratama, Ayu Reza Ningrum, Nuha Nuraini // The Effect of Self-Efficacy and Math Anxiety on Students' Non-Routine Mathematics Problem Solving Ability 2023-12-27T10:25:02+08:00 Dwi Rizki Muharani Lalu Sucipto <p>The lack of research on the impact of self-efficacy and mathematics anxiety on non-routine mathematics problem solving ability emphasizes the importance of this study. While previous studies have focused on psychological factors in the context of learning mathematics, limited attention has been paid to how these factors influence students' ability to solve non-routine mathematical problems. This study aims to fill this gap by identifying the role of self-efficacy and math anxiety in students' ability to cope with and solve non-routine math problems. The main objective of this study is to measure the impact of self-efficacy and math anxiety on students' ability to solve non-routine math problems. By exploring these psychological factors, this study aims to make a significant contribution to our understanding of the factors that influence student performance in the context of solving complex non-routine mathematical problems.</p><p> </p><p> </p> 2023-12-04T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dwi Rizki Muharani, Lalu Sucipto // Internationalization in Higher Education: an Analysis of Croatian Universities 2023-12-27T10:25:02+08:00 Dragana Božic Lenard Ivan Lenard <p>Around the globe, non-anglophone universities and higher education institutions (HEIs) are trying to internationalize providing students with opportunities to take non-language courses in a foreign language. The usual medium of instruction is English (EMI), which has become a global phenomenon. This paper aims to examine a macro-level university and HEIs’ policy on implementing non-language courses in four largest and oldest Croatian universities and their constituent units. Examining public records of the universities and HEIs, this study will research types and levels of study programs, operationalization of language medium instruction, policy implementation and curriculum evaluation. Since English/Language for Specific Purposes (ESP/LSP) courses can be perceived as preparatory courses for EMI/LMI, types, (non)obligatory nature and workload of ESP/LSP courses taught at the examined HEIs will be studied. The research showed that ESP courses are mostly taught as obligatory courses at the undergraduate level and occasionally as optional courses at the graduate study level. The highest workload of LSP courses is recorded at the HEIs from the Social Sciences fields and the lowest from the Natural Sciences fields, which consequently results in those HEIs (not) offering study programs in a foreign language.<br /><br /></p> 2023-12-18T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dragana Božic Lenard, Ivan Lenard // Increasing Changes to the Training Curriculum on Data Processing and Analysis Practices for Scientific Writing Training Participants 2023-12-27T10:25:02+08:00 Naily Kamaliah Kurnia Muhajarah Alpha Fadila Juliana Rahman Publication of Scientific Writing in national scientific journals is a demand that must be fulfilled as a form of scientific responsibility, and has an impact on increasing interest in Scientific Writing Training. Data processing and analysis is one of the materials that is considered important in Scientific Writing training. However, in reality, this material is not easy to convey to participants. The power of data processing and analysis material is not only theoretical, but also needs to be deepened through the practice of data processing and analysis. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of curriculum changes in Basic Level of Scientific Writing training which focuses on Data Processing and Analysis Practices material, by comparing the evaluation results in 2022 and 2023. The instruments used in this research are (1) evaluation assessment of training implementation from participants for training organizers, as well as (2) Scientific Writing Seminar assessments, with respondents of 105 Scientific Writing Training participants in 2022, and 126 Scientific Writing training participants in 2023. Data analysis processing was carried out using Boxplot descriptive statistical analysis and continued with inferential statistical analysis using independent tests sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Duncan's follow-up test. The research results show that curriculum changes have had a better effect on participants' ability to produce scientific papers. 2023-12-18T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Naily Kamaliah, Kurnia Muhajarah, Alpha Fadila Juliana Rahman // Developing a PISA-Like Mathematical Problem: Using Traditional Food Context 2023-12-27T10:25:02+08:00 Tria Gustiningsi Ratu Ilma Indra Putri Zulkardi Zulkardi Hapizah Hapizah Mathematical literacy is very important for all students. Based on the PISA results, Indonesian students' mathematical literacy skills are still low, so students need to be trained with PISA-like mathematical problem. This study aimed to produce a valid and practical PISA-like mathematical problem using the context of Palembang traditional food. Design research in the form of a development study was chosen in this study which consisted of preliminary and prototyping stages. Data collection was carried out using walk-throughs, tests, questionnaires surveys, and interviews. The research subjects were 20 eighth graders. Materials on relations and functions were delivered in this study using a personal context through the activity of purchasing Palembang traditional food. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results of this study indicated that the problem developed is valid and practical. The problem was considered valid as it was developed in accordance with the PISA framework, as well as the curriculum and materials for the eighth grade. The problem was also declared practical, meaning that it is viabel to use for students, its wording does not cause multiple interpretations, it is understandable to students, the tables and numbers used are clear, and students are interested in solving it because it is relevant to everyday life situations. The problem developed also has a potential effect on supporting students' mathematical literacy skills. This study concludes that problem that has been developed is valid, practical, and has potential effect. 2023-12-27T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tria Gustiningsi, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Zulkardi, Hapizah slot16