
  • Ezalina Ezalina STIKes Payung Negeri Pekanbaru
  • Rizanda Machmud Universitas Andalas
  • Nursyirwan Effendi Universitas Andalas



Pengabaian, Lansia, Keluarga, Kader.


Abstrak: Meningkatnya jumlah lansia seiring pula dengan penyakit yang diderita lansia. Menurunnya kondisi fisik, psikologis, dan sosial yang dialami lansia sehingga lansia harus tinggal bersama keluarga. Di sisi lain keluarga harus mengurus keluarga inti dan bekerja di luar rumah. Jika keluarga tidak bisa merawat lansia dengan baik maka lansia akan terabaikan sehingga keluarga perlu memberikan dukungan kepada lansia. Keluarga perlu diberikan pelatihan sehingga keluarga tahu, paham dan dapat mempraktikannya ketika mendampingi lansia. Agar materi yang disampaikan dapat berkelanjutan maka sebelum diberi pelatihan kepada keluarga terlebih dahulu diberikan pelatihan kepada kader sebagai pendamping tenaga kesehatan untuk sustainable.  Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman keluarga tentang pencegahan pengabaian lansia. Metode pelatihan yang diberikan melalui  ceramah dan tanya jawab,diskusi, dan demonstrasi uji keterampilan fisik tentang cara perawatan dasar pada lansia di rumah. Alat bantu yang digunakan modul, LCD proyektor, dan buku catatan. Hasil pelatihan didapatkan antusias serta keterampilan kader dan keluarga tentang pencegahan pengabaian lansia pada keluarga. Keterampilan yang didapat yaitu keterampilan perawatan demam pada lansia, pengukuran aktifitas fisik lansia, pengukuran aktifitas sosial lansia, dan pengukuran keseimbangan tubuh lansia.

Abstract: The increasing number of elderly is also in line with the illness suffered. The reduced physical, psychological, and social conditions experienced by the elderly make them live with their family. On the other hand, their family has to take care of the main family and goes to works. If the family cannot take care of the elderly well, the elderly will be neglected.Familiesneed to provide support to the elderly, sotheyneed to be given training so that they know, understand, and can practice it when accompanying the elderly. To make the training material delivered sustainable, cadres as a companion for health workers will also be given training for sustainability. The aim of the communityservice is to increase families’ knowledge and understanding of the elderly neglect prevention. Training methods are provided through lectures, questions and answers, discussions, and demonstrations of physical skills tests on how to care for the elderly at home. Tools used are modules, LCD projectors, and notebooks. The result of the training shows increased knowledge and skills of cadres and families about preventionof the elderly neglect in families.The acquired skills are such as fever care skill on the elderly, measurement of elderly physical activity,measurement of elderly social activity, and measurement of body balance.

Author Biographies

Ezalina Ezalina, STIKes Payung Negeri Pekanbaru

Community Health Nursing

Rizanda Machmud, Universitas Andalas

Fakultas Kedokteran

Nursyirwan Effendi, Universitas Andalas

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik


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Alavi, K., Sail, R. M., Idris, K., Samah, A. A., & Omar, M. (2011). Living arrangement preference and family relationship expectation of elderly parents. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 19(SPEC. ISSUE), 65–73.

Bigala, P., & Ayiga, N. (2014). Prevalence and predictors of elder abuse in mafikeng local municipality in South Africa. Etude de La Population Africaine, 28(1), 463–474.

BPS. (2015). Statistik Penduduk Lanjut Usia. Badan Pusat Statistik.

DiZazzo-Miller, R., Samuel, P. S., Barnas, J. M., & Welker, K. M. (2014). Addressing everyday challenges: Feasibility of a family caregiver training program for people with dementia. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(2), 212–220.

Kemenkes. (2019). Analisis lansia di Indonesia. Pusat Data Dan Imformasi Kemenkes.

Khanal, P., Rai, S., & Chalise, H. N. (2018). American Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics Children ’ s Migration and Its Effect on Elderly People : A Study at Old Age Homes in Kathmandu. (June 2019).

McDonald, L., & Thomas, C. (2013). Elder abuse through a life course lens. International Psychogeriatrics, 25(8), 1235–1243.

Miko, A. (2017). Sosiologi Lansia, pergeseran pranata penyantunan lansia di Sumatera Barat. Padang: Erka.

National Center on Elder Abuse. (2017). Elder Abuse Research Review, September 2014-August 2017. 163(AUGUST), 877–878.

Punyakaew, A., Lersilp, S., & Putthinoi, S. (2019). Active ageing level and time use of elderly persons in a Thai suburban community. Occupational Therapy International, 2019.

Riskesdas. (2018). Ringkasan Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar.

Samjana, T. (2017). Abandonment of Elderly People in. 1–40.

Stanhope Lancaster. (2016). Public health nursing: population centered health care in the community. USA Mosby.

Sulastri, S., & Humaedi, S. (2017). Pelayanan Lanjut Usia Terlantar Dalam Panti. Prosiding Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 4(1), 155.

Waryana. (2017). Promosi kesehatan, penyuluhan, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Yogyakarta: Nur Medika.





