
  • Sarah Puspita Atmaja Immanuel Christian University
  • Novena Adi Yuhara Immanuel Christian University
  • Felik Felik Immanuel Christian University
  • Losi Yenni Florindha Immanuel Christian University



Covid-19, Vaccine, Online Education.


Abstrak: Kasus Covid-19 sudah menjadi pandemi di Indonesia maupun dunia. Berbagai macam vaksin sudah dikembangkan dan sudah diedarkan di masyarakat, namun masih banyak masyarakat yang meragukan keamanan dan efektivitas vaksin Covid-19. Edukasi daring ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi yang benar kepada masyarakat sehingga dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai vaksin Covid yang sedang beredar di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah pemaparan materi oral secara daring dengan menggunakan fasilitas google meet. Sebelum dan sesudah pemaparan materi, peserta diharapkan mengisi soal pre-test dan post-test melalui google form yang nantinya akan dianalisis perbedaan rerata pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah menerima materi menggunakan uji Wilcoxon melalui program SPSS. Rerata pengetahuan peserta edukasi daring sebelum pemaparan materi adalah 59,09 sedangkan setelah pemaparan materi didapatkan rerata skor 76,13. Pengaruh edukasi secara daring memberikan perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan peserta dengan p=0.004.

Abstract: The case of Covid-19 has become a pandemic in Indonesia and the world. Various vaccines have been developed and have been circulated in the community, but there are still many people who doubt the safety and effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine. This online education aims to provide correct information to the public to increase knowledge and understanding about the Covid vaccine that is circulating in Indonesia. The method used is the exposure of oral material online using the google meet facility. Before and after the material exposure, participants are expected to fill in pre-test and post-test questions through google form which will be analyzed the difference in average knowledge before and after receiving the material using the Wilcoxon test through SPSS program. The average knowledge of online education participants before material exposure was 59.09 while after material exposure was obtained an average score of 76.13. The influence of online education made a significant difference to participants' knowledge levels with p=0.004.


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