
  • Afrida Sriyani Harahap STIKes Payung Negeri Pekanbaru
  • Ulfa Hasanah STIKes Payung Negeri Pekanbaru



Ibu Hamil, Pandemic Covid-19.


Abstrak: Upaya penurunan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) dan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) harus dengan mengintegrasikan beberapa program yang terkait mulai dari sejak awal masa kehamilan, melahirkan, nifas, bayi, balita dan pasangan usia subur. Salah satu upaya pemerintah adalah dengan membentuk kelas ibu hamil. Kelas ibu hamil nantinya akan sangat membantu masalahketidakpastian baik fisik maupun mental yang ibu alami selama kehamilan dan akan berdampak sampai proses persalinan nanti. Selama hamil selain adanya perubahan fisik, ibu hamil juga mengalami perubahan psikologis dan emosional. Kehamilan, persalinan dan nifas merupakan suatu hal yang alami tetapi bukan berarti tanpa resiko. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yaitu dengan memberikan serangkaian pelayanan terhadap ibu hamil yang diwujudkan melaui pendekatan kelas ibu hamil, dengan harapan terjadi perubahan prilaku yang positif sehingga pengetahuan ibu tentang kehamilan meningkat dan ibu mau memeriksakan kehamilan serta melahirkan di tenaga kesehatan sebagai upaya untuk penurunan AKI. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan ibu mau memeriksakan kehamilan ke tenaga kesehatan meskipun sedang terjadi pandemic covid-19. Upaya yang dilakukan agar dapat mencapai keberlannjutan dari kegiatan Peduli Ibu Hamil di Masa Pandemic Covid-19 ini dengan melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi terhadap kegiatan serta pendampingan terhadap ibu hamil dikelurahan Labuh Baru Timur.

Abstract: Efforts to reduce AKI and AKB should be by integrating several related programs starting from the beginning of pregnancy, childbirth, nifas, infants, toddlers and couples of childbearing age. One of the government's efforts is to establish a class of pregnant women. The class of pregnant women will be very helpful to the problem of uncertainty both physically and mentally that the mother experienced during pregnancy and will have an impact until the process of childbirth later. During pregnancy in addition to physical changes, pregnant women also experience psychological and emotional changes. Pregnancy, childbirth and childbirth are natural but not without risks.The method of implementation of the activity is by providing a series of services to pregnant women that are realized through the approach of the class of pregnant women, in the hope that there is a change in positive behavior so that the mother's knowledge about pregnancy increases and the mother wants to check the pregnancy and give birth in health workers as an effort to decrease AKI.The results showed that the mother wanted to check the pregnancy to health workers despite the covid-19 pandemic. Efforts are made to achieve the continuity of the activities of Caring for Pregnant Women in the Covid-19 Pandemic by monitoring and evaluating activities and mentoring pregnant women in the Labuh Baru Timur.


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