
  • Siti Nur Aisyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



aloe vera, diversifikasi, olahan, edukasi KWT.


Abstrak: Pembatasan mobilitas publik selama masa pandemi telah menurunkan omset usaha secara signifikan pada produk olahan Aloe vera di Desa Bendungan, Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Produk olahan lidah buaya yang dilakukan oleh KWT tergolong kurang menguntungkan akibat daya tahan simpan yang pendek dan rendahnya permintaan. Studi ini ditujukan untuk mengedukasi KWT di Kelurahan Bendungan mengenai diversifikasi produk olahan Aloe vera menjadi produk non pangan berdaya tahan simpan lama (hand sanitizer dan sabun cuci tangan). Upaya edukasi ini dilakukan melalui diskusi kelompok, pelatihan interaktif pembuatan produk olahan non-pangan lidah buaya, dan pelatihan uji hedoniknya. Kegiatan ini melibatkan 14 orang anggota KWT. Studi ini berhasil meningkatkan wawasan dan keterampilan teknis terkait diversifikasi produk Aloe vera non pangan. Produk hand sanitizer dan sabun cuci tangan mendapatkan penerimaan yang tinggi dari anggota KWT dan dinilai potensial untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Dari segi kualitas produk, kedua produk memperlihatkan efek antimikroba yang mendekati produk komersial serupa. Guna mengembangkan produk yang kualitas dan spesifikasinya dapat disetarakan dengan produk komersial serupa, perlu adanya inisiasi pengembangan secara terkontrol dan terukur, terutama berkaitan dengan produksi massa dan pengujian kualitas produk.

Abstract: Public mobility restriction during COVID-19 pandemic triggered a significant decrease on the revenue resulted from the processed Aloe vera food products commercialized by Women Farmers Group (WFG) in Bendungan, Kulon Progo. This food products showed less promising economic value due to its short durability and lack of popularity among customers. Therefore, this program was aimed to educate WFG in Bendungan regarding the diversification of Aloe vera into non-food product with longer durability. This education was conducted through group discussion, interactive training related to the making process of non-food Aloe vera products, and its hedonic assay. About 14 members of WFG were involved in this activity. This study improved the insight and technical skill of WFG members related to diversification of Aloe vera non-food products. Both hand sanitizer and hand wash gained high acceptance from WFG members and was considered as potential products to be further developed. Based on its product quality, both non-food products showed a comparable antimicrobial effect with similar commercial products. To develop a product with similar quality and specification with those commercial products, the development should be initiated in a controlled and measurable way, particularly its mass production and quality assessment.


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