// JIAP (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik) 2024-02-04T17:20:42+08:00 Rahmad Hidayat Open Journal Systems <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">Journal Title</td><td width="80%"><strong>JIAP (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik)</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">Frequency</td><td width="80%"><strong></strong><strong>2</strong> <strong>issues per year (March &amp; September)</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">DOI</td><td width="80%"><strong>prefix 10.31764 by <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" height="14" /></a></strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%"><span>OAI Address</span></td><td width="80%"><a href="/index.php/JIAP/oai"></a></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%"><span>ISSN Online</span></td><td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>2615-5826</strong></a></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%"><span>ISSN Print</span></td><td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>2339-2932</strong></a></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%"><span>Editor-in-Chief</span></td><td width="80%"><strong>Rifaid</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">Publisher</td><td width="80%"><strong><a href="/index.php/">University of Muhammadiyah Mataram</a></strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">Contact</td><td width="80%"><strong> | +62 852-057-31-718</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="20%">Publication</td><td width="80%"><strong>November 2013</strong></td></tr></tbody></table><p><span><br />The main focus of <strong>JIAP (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik)</strong></span><strong> </strong><span>is problems in the development of the sciences of public policies and administration areas. It covers the administration development, the regional autonomy, and bureaucracy, the state apparatus, the decentralization, the economic and science development, the public management, the governance, and its policy, and any social sciences that cover sciences of public health, fiscal politics, and regional planning.</span></p> // Policy Output Analysis Pada Pencegahan Kekerasan Anak Dalam Keluarga Melalui Layanan Puspaga Di Surabaya 2024-02-04T17:20:41+08:00 Alvina Dewi Hafzari <em>Violence against children is a serious social problem, and the number of cases of violence against children changes every year. Cases of violence against children often occur in families, so the prevention of violence against children in families must be encouraged by everyone, including the government. The Surabaya City Government has made various efforts to prevent child violence in the family, one of which is through PUSPAGA. PUSPAGA Kota Surabaya is a service under the auspices of the DP3APPKB Surabaya City which focuses on strengthening families and preventing violence against children. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The theory used is the theory of policy output evaluation with 7 (seven) indicators of Ripley's policy output, namely access, frequency, coverage, bias, service delivery (accuracy of service), accountability, and suitability of programs with needs. PUSPAGA Surabaya City has provided good service on each indicator. Even so, the Surabaya City Government still has to continue to introduce it to the public so they know more about PUSPAGA services in Surabaya City.</em> 2023-09-29T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 JIAP (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik) // Inovasi Pelayanan Pengaduan Masyarakat Call Center 112 Sebagai Wadah Pengaduan Darurat Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo 2024-02-04T17:20:41+08:00 Diaz Ardhani Kalvin Edo Wahyudi <em>Society will always expect the government to provide quality public services.. Providing access to complaints is one of the efforts to improve public services that can be, so public can submit their complaints regarding the services received. The Government of Sidoarjo Regency is seeking to provide maximum service by launching the Call Center 112 emergency complaint forum, which was launched on June 20, 2022. The purpose of this research is to identify and describe the Call Center 112 public complaint service innovation as an emergency complaint forum in Sidoarjo Regency. The type of research used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The results of the study show that: 1) Relative Advantage: Call Center 112 Innovation has provided benefits for the community to submit complaints. 2) Compatibility: Call Center 112's innovation complies with regulations, community requirements, and previous complaint forums. 3) Complexity. Call Center 112 is said to be quite complicated in technical reporting and operating procedures. 4) Triability. Call Center 112 has passed the trial stage. 5) Observability: Call Center 112 is easy for OPD to observe, but there is still a lack information on the progress of complaints.</em> 2023-09-29T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 JIAP (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik) // Collaborative Governance dalam Program Rehabilitasi Sosial Rumah Tidak Layak Huni di Kota Surabaya 2024-02-04T17:20:41+08:00 Citra Kristin Sri Wibawani <strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong><em>  The Social Rehabilitation Program for Uninhabitable Houses abbreviated as rutilahu is a program to improve the quality of housing through repairs as a whole and/or entirely with the principles of acceptability, transparency, accountability, integration, partnership, solidarity, benefits and participation. This study aims to describe in depth the process of collaborative governance in the Social Rehabilitation Program for Uninhabitable Houses in the City of Surabaya. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative techniques with the determining informants through purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Data collection techniques used were observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using "interactive model of analysis" by Miles and Huberman (2014). The collaborative governance process is analyzed by theory (Ansell &amp; Gash, 2007) including face to face dialogue, trust building, commitment to the process, shared understanding, and intermediate outcomes. The results showed that the collaboration process had been successfully carried out at the face to face dialogue, trust building, share understanding, and intermediate outcome stages between the DPRKPP of Surabaya City with BP2P Jawa IV, Baznas Surabaya, YMI ITS, Victory Community Church of Surabaya, KTPR, Bank Mandiri, and from private donor. Meanwhile, the collaboration process at the commitment to the process stage has been quite successful between the parties. In the commitment to the process stage, the majority of the collaborating or participating parties do not yet have written documents that can strengthen their collaborative relationship, so at least a letter of agreement is needed stating or known by the parties concerned.</em> 2023-09-29T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 JIAP (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik) // How Far Has The Talent Management Helped? a Central Java Government Experience 2024-02-04T17:20:41+08:00 Sindi Arisandi Maratun Saadah <em><span lang="EN-US">This study provides a deep analysis of the contextual variables that affect the Central Java Provincial Government's best utilization of talent pools are looked at. Talent pools are collections of high-performing workers who have been selected for taking on more responsibility and occupying key roles within the company. Since public sector organizations are constantly expected to provide effective and efficient public services while operating in a financially constrained environment and facing a persistent talent shortage as well as rising competition for talent, effective talent pool utilization is especially important in an emerging economy. The study investigates the contextual elements within a local government that could potentially limit the best implementation of a talent management strategy. It does this by drawing on talent management theory and basing its findings on a case study with interviews conducted with thirteen key individuals within the Central Java Provincial Government. The results of this study show that the Central Java Provincial Government's use of talent pools in the public sector is not optimal due to a number of factors, such as the creation of talent pools that do not meet needs, the absence of participant roles, and the absence of an understanding of the appraisal process. The absence of explanation for maintaining abilities is a further element identified. These results are known to be impacted by a lack of resources, a lack of opportunities for talent development, a lack of support from and engagement from leaders, and an incomplete deployment of talent management systems.</span></em> 2023-10-28T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 JIAP (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik) // Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Pembangunan Kalurahan Berdasarkan UU Keistimewaan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 2024-02-04T17:20:42+08:00 Jennie Maharani Dewi Amanatun Suryani <p>Penelitian ini tentang Implementasi Kebijakan Pembangunan Kalurahan Berdasarkan UU Keistimewaan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Latar belakang dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah bahwa meskipun pembangunan telah dilaksanakan namun angka kemiskinan yang ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta tergolong masih cukup tinggi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif yang berasal dari dua sumber data yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Penelitian ini ditelaah menggunakan teori implementasi kebijakan publik yang dikemukakan oleh Merilee S. Grindle serta melihat capaian indikator keberhasilan dari Implementasi Kebijakan Pembangunan Kalurahan Berdasarkan UU Keistimewaan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan disimpulkan bahwa masih terdapat beberapa kendala/hambatan dilihat dari indikator teori Merilee S. Grindle dan capaian indikator Implementasi Kebijakan Pembangunan Kalurahan Berdasarkan UU Keistimewaan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta belum memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terutama pada pengurangan angka pengangguran.</p> 2023-11-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 JIAP (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik) // Transformational Leadership In Public Sector Innovation; Toward An Elderly-Friendly City 2024-02-04T17:20:42+08:00 Maratun Saadah <p>The article examines the role of transformational leadership in public sector innovation, specifically in addressing the challenges of managing older people to build an elderly-friendly community. The research focuses on the leadership of Jambi Mayor in employing innovation to realize Jambi as an Elderly-Friendly City. This is a descriptive qualitative study that aims to identify new information related to the transformational leadership of Jambi Mayor in innovating an Elderly-Friendly City. The authors identified transformational leadership as a major style in carrying out innovation. The study found that Jambi City is continuously promoting the importance of creating elderly-friendly cities and communities through the leadership of its Mayor. The study found that transformational leadership practices played a significant role in the process of making Jambi City an Elderly-Friendly City. The mayor motivated civil servants to improve their attitudes and assumptions towards public health services. The research concludes that leadership styles have a direct impact on the level of innovation adopted and the success or failure of strategic responses.<strong></strong></p> 2024-02-04T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JIAP (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik) slot16