Analysis of the Effect of Ore Characteristics on the Consumption of SAG Mill Steel Balls at the Milling Plant of PT. XXX


  • Amirin Kusmiran Department of Physics, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Alif Rahman Department of Metallurgy Engineering, Univeritas Teknologi Sumbawa , Sumbawa, Indonesia



grinding ball, throughput, rock quality design, point load index, SAG speed, discharge grate


PT. XXX is one of the companies operating in Indonesia's mining sector, with copper concentrates operations mainly. Stockpile processing in PT XXX has the capacity of up to 120,000 tons/day. Based on historical survey data, PT XXX conducted a stockpile operations survey in 2009, 2013, and 2016 where there is an obstacle in the processed stockpile consumption of SAG Mill steel balls. These are influenced by the amount of throughput, ore characterization, namely rock quality designation (RQD) and point load index (PLI), SAG speed and discharge grate configuration. Therefore, Identifying the parameter efficiency of steel, such as throughput effect, ore characterization SAG speed, and discharge grate configuration, is needed to determine both that parameter and steel ball correlation. Identification is carried out by analyzing some steel ball samples from the SAG Mill steel ball bunker/storage. The analysis is done by measuring the diameter and weight of the SAG Mill steel ball to confirm the steel ball used has the required quality. The ball discharge sample calculation is carried out at the ball sholter. Analysis of the factors affecting the consumption of SAG Mill steel balls was carried out from all the data that has been collected. The results of the analysis showed that the highest throughput effect reached 2.8 million tons in March 2018, ore characterization with RQD values reached 50% in October 2018, and PLI reached 4.5 MPa, SAG speed reached 9.9 rpm, and discharge grate configuration reached 2.3%. These results showed that the highest effect of SAG Mill steel balls' consumption has occurred during the grinding process.


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