//ojs-upgrade.ummat.ac.id/index.php/JMET/issue/feed Journal of Mining and Environmental Technology 2021-11-15T07:08:07+08:00 Joni Safaat Adiansyah [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Mining and Environmental Technology (JMET) is a journal that managed by Mine Engineering Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram (UMMAT). JMET will be published twice a year on March and September. JMET is developed as an academic publication media for academia, researcher, and interested parties. In addition, JMET publishes research results, studies, knowledge and technology implementation at (but not limited) mining, environment, and earth science.</p> //ojs-upgrade.ummat.ac.id/index.php/JMET/article/view/4326 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF OPEN PIT MINING BLASTING: PARTICULAR DISCUSSIONS ON SOME SPECIFIC ISSUES 2021-11-15T07:08:04+08:00 SYAMSUL HIDAYAT [email protected] <p>This paper will substantially deliver and discuss causative factors, prediction method, related issues and case studies of environmental impacts of blasting. Major impacts of blasting that frequently and widely analysis by researchers are flyrock, blast vibration, and dust. Environmental effects of blasting can be caused by controllable factors such as blast design as well as uncontrollable factors such as geological condition of rock mass. The empirical models to predict the environmental effect are site specifics, the researchers construct their empirical models based on the available research data in the field, future empirical model can also be build based on new specific site data. Artificial intelligence approach has been applied by researched as alternative way to predict environmental impacts of open pit mining blasting. More than one approach to asses environmental impacts of blasting give more alternative ways to prevent the impacts.</p> 2021-11-15T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Mining and Environmental Technology //ojs-upgrade.ummat.ac.id/index.php/JMET/article/view/4342 Interrelation Hydrogeology and Geochemistry of Acid Mine Drainage in Groundwater: Mitigation Approach of Mine Water Management 2021-11-15T07:08:04+08:00 Arief Nur Muchamad [email protected] Tri Mulyani [email protected] Iin Lestari [email protected] Acid mine drainage (AMD) has been recognized as one of the major threats to the environment and water quality in mining. The main purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the principles of geochemistry of AMD analysis and hydrogeology characteristic as well as both interrelations in groundwater. To reduce the source of water quality problems caused by AMD, mitigation approach of geochemistry of AMD and hydrogeology study need to be developed earlier before mining phase resumed. Geochemistry analysis consisting analysis waste and ore rock for static test in laboratory or kinetic test in the field. Geochemistry study conducted to determine two possibilities of AMD forming named Potential Acid Forming (PAF) or Non Acid Forming (NAF). Hydrogeology mitigation can be performed through study of hydrogeology characteristic including core logging, RQD measurement, aquifer testing and determination of conductivity, storativity, transmisivity as well as groundwater flow rate. Rock fracture is media transportation of groundwater which conveying groundwater to down gradient area then emerge to surface as surface water. Therefore, it is important to perform groundwater and surface water monitoring as measure of tracking AMD in groundwater. The interrelation between hydrogeology and geochemistry AMD in groundwater becomes important for the mitigation of potential AMD forming and its management. 2021-11-15T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Mining and Environmental Technology //ojs-upgrade.ummat.ac.id/index.php/JMET/article/view/4406 Analysis of the Effect of Ore Characteristics on the Consumption of SAG Mill Steel Balls at the Milling Plant of PT. XXX 2021-11-15T07:08:05+08:00 Amirin Kusmiran [email protected] Alif Rahman [email protected] <em>PT. XXX is one of the companies operating in Indonesia's mining sector, with copper concentrates operations mainly. Stockpile processing in PT XXX has the capacity of up to 120,000 tons/day. Based on historical survey data, PT XXX conducted a stockpile operations survey in 2009, 2013, and 2016 where there is an obstacle in the processed stockpile consumption of SAG Mill steel balls. These are influenced by the amount of throughput, ore characterization, namely rock quality designation (RQD) and point load index (PLI), SAG speed and discharge grate configuration. Therefore, Identifying the parameter efficiency of steel, such as throughput effect, ore characterization SAG speed, and discharge grate configuration, is needed to determine both that parameter and steel ball correlation. Identification is carried out by analyzing some steel ball samples from the SAG Mill steel ball bunker/storage. The analysis is done by measuring the diameter and weight of the SAG Mill steel ball to confirm the steel ball used has the required quality. The ball discharge sample calculation is carried out at the ball sholter. Analysis of the factors affecting the consumption of SAG Mill steel balls was carried out from all the data that has been collected. The results of the analysis showed that the highest throughput effect reached 2.8 million tons in March 2018, ore characterization with RQD values reached 50% in October 2018, and PLI reached 4.5 MPa, SAG speed reached 9.9 rpm, and discharge grate configuration reached 2.3%. These results showed that the highest effect of SAG Mill steel balls' consumption has occurred during the grinding process.</em> 2021-11-15T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Mining and Environmental Technology //ojs-upgrade.ummat.ac.id/index.php/JMET/article/view/6005 Utilization of mine tailings (waste) for improving environmental quality: a case study of community artisanal mining at Sekotong District West Nusa Tenggara Province Indonesia 2021-11-15T07:08:05+08:00 Kabul Algifari [email protected] Joni Safaat Adiansyah [email protected] Tailing is one of the wastes that generated by mining activity and recorded around 14 billion tons worldwide. Artisanal mining is also producing tailing from its processing activity (‘Gelondong’ and ‘Tong’) and creates potential environmental impact associated with tailing management. One of the strategies to reduce the impact is by applying the tailing utilization strategy. This paper is aimed to assess the possibility of using tailing that generated by community artisanal mining activity for construction purposes (paving block). In order to achieve the aim, the laboratory analysis and case study are applied. Six paving blocks that consist of normal paving block, and 15% tailing paving block were prepared and tested its compressive strength. In addition, the tailing that used was generated by community artisanal mining at Sekotong District of West Nusa Tenggara Province. The result showed that the increasing compressive strength of normal paving block from day 14 to day 28 (ultimate) was 26% higher compared to tailing paving block. However, based on the SNI standard that these two types of paving block are categorized as quality B of paving block and could be used as parking pavement construction. Therefore, the 15% tailing paving block met with the SNI standard. 2021-11-15T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Mining and Environmental Technology //ojs-upgrade.ummat.ac.id/index.php/JMET/article/view/6006 Rainfall Analysis Planning to Calculate Runoff Water Discharge at PT. Triary Regency of North Musirawas, Sumatera Selatan 2021-11-15T07:08:06+08:00 Dewi Rohmaeni [email protected] Sri Wulan Nur Auingsih [email protected] Ikhwan Thoyib Mukhlis [email protected] Luthfi Wahyudi [email protected] Wahyudi Zahar [email protected] PT. Triaryani is a coal mining company with open pit mining method which located in North Musirawas Regency, South Sumatra Province. In the management of water that goes into the mine is done the manufacture of sump contained in the eagle pit. Sump has a function as a place or pond of water reservoirs that enter to the mine, the water will then be pumped to the settling pond (KPL) will then be neutralized by the distribution of lime and alum 1:4 and flowed to the river<em>. </em>The purpose of this study is to find out the discharge of runoff water and make a sump design in 2021 that can accommodate the discharge of runoff water with maximum rainfall. In the manufacture of sump design is taken into account the discharge of runoff water that will enter so that rainfall data is needed in the area. Rainfall data used from 2011 to 2020 which can beobtained from BMKG South Sumatra rainfall data and rainfall data measured by Triaryani’s survey team. The rainfall data will be calculated by dispersion of rainfall data. Dispersion is done to know the distribution of rainfall data to be analyzed, so that the analysis method used is the most appropriate method. Determination of rainfall plan in this study was conducted by rainfall analysis by E.J. Gumbel method based on dispersion results. Slope factors and compactness of the area make rainwater that falls to the surface is not infiltrated so that the flow of runoff water. In order to avoid flooding at the mining site, in the manufacture of sump required calculation of runoff water discharge to be able to know the water that enters the pit.From the calculation obtained the value of the coefficient of runoff of the region is 0.9. Rainfall intensity value is 15,285 x 10<sup>-7</sup> m/s with catchment area 538,600 m<sup>2</sup>. Runoff water discharge obtaining is 64,016.88 m<sup>3</sup>/ day, so the sump plan made to be able to accommodate the discharge of runoff water is with a depth of 6 m, base length of 97.3 m and surface length of 109.3 m. Sump plan can accommodate the discharge of runoff water with maximum rainfall per day without pumping. 2021-11-15T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Mining and Environmental Technology