Implementing Statistical Quality Control of refrigerator lamp cover production lines in a plastic injection molding company (Case Study: CV. ABC)


  • Shafira Eka Nuryanti Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta
  • R.B. Seno Wulung Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta



Injection Molding, Product defect, Quality Control, Statistical Quality Control,


This research intends to detect the existence of uncontrolled quality control in plastic injection molding companies, with refrigerator lamp cover products. Quality control is conducted using the statistical quality control (SQC) method with tools such as check sheets, histograms, and control charts. Check sheets and histograms were used to make it easier to present the data for further analysis. Furthermore, a control chart was used to detect whether the cacative product was still under statistical control or not. The result of the analysis using the p control chart indicated that there was a production process in an uncontrolled state on the 11th day of the production process. The x-chart and R-chart control charts didn't need to be revised because the production was still within the control limits. Therefore, Cp values = 0.3665<1.33 and Cpk = 0.2819<1.33 indicate that the company’s process capability is not good. Therefore, it is suggested that the company take immediate action to solve the problem. By utilizing this research, the injection molding company can take preventive and corrective action in the early stages.  

Author Biographies

Shafira Eka Nuryanti, Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta

Program Studi Teknologi Pengolahan Karet dan Plastik

R.B. Seno Wulung, Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta

Program Studi Teknologi Pengolahan Karet dan Plastik


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