The effect of wheat flour and rice flour formulation on organoleptic characteristics of papaya crispy (Carica papaya L.)


  • Ni Luh Putu Sherly Yuniartini Department of Food Processing Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram
  • Rizki Nugrahani Department of Food Processing Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram



papaya crispy, rice flour, wheat flour


One of the food processing innovations that can be done from young papaya fruit is made into crispy papaya which is made by adding ingredients such as flour and spices which are intended to improve the texture and taste of crsipy papaya. formula is needed to produce crispy papaya products that are crispy and delicious. The aim of this study to determine the effect of a mixture of wheat flour and rice flour on the organoleptic characteristics of crispy papaya. In this crispy papaya research using the one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method, namely the mixture of wheat flour and rice flour whose treatment consists of A1 (60% Wheat Flour: 40% Rice Flour), A2 (65% Wheat Flour: 35% Rice Flour), A3 (70% Wheat Flour: 30% Rice Flour), A4 (75% Wheat Flour: Rice Flour 25% and A5 (Wheat Flour 80%: Rice Flour 20%). The data obtained were then analyzed using analysis of variance at the 5% level and if significantly different data were obtained, further tests would be carried out using Honest Real Differences (5%). After conducting the research, it can be seen that the mixture of wheat flour and rice flour in crispy papaya has no significant effect on organoleptic characters in all parameters of the hedonic and scoring test methods. For the organoleptic quality parameters of crispy papaya, the highest treatment was produced in the hedonic test for color parameter A2 treatment (like), texture parameter A3 treatment (like) and taste parameter A1 treatment (like). The scoring test resulted in the highest value of color in treatment A2 (yellow), texture in treatment A3 (crispy) and taste in treatment A4 (no papaya flavor).


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