
  • Sarowan Wahid Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika
  • I Gde Adi Suryawan Wangiyana Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika



Phytohormone, Germination, Gyrinops versteegii


The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of phytohormone and its concentration on germination of 1-week storage G. versteegii’s seeds. Factorial Completely Randomize Design was used with two factors: type of phytohormone (J1:Atonik, J2:gibberellic acid) and phytohormone concentration (K1:200ppm, K2:400ppm). ANOVA shows that phytohormone concentration was the only factor that has a significant difference at α=0.05. Four hundred ppm was an ideal concentration that supports G. versteegii’s seed's better germination rate on atonic and gibberellic acid. However, gibberellic acid has supported a better germination rate than atonic at 400 ppm concentration. It is concluded that gibberellic acid at 400 ppm concentration is the best treatment for G. versteegii germination.

Author Biographies

Sarowan Wahid, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika


I Gde Adi Suryawan Wangiyana, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika



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