
  • Resyi Abdul Gani Universitas Pakuan



Efikasi diri mahasiswa, Keterampilan dasar mengajar


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh efikasi diri mahasiswa PGSD terhadap keterampilan dasar mengajar. Instrumen pengumpul data pada penelitian ini yaitu observasi dan angket. Teknis analisis melalui  uji prasyarat analisis meliputi uji normalitas dan homogenitas kemudian dilakukan uji hipotesis penelitian. Hasil penelitian pada uji normalitas kedua sampel berdistribusi normal karena nilai Lhitung ≤ Ltabel. Pada uji homogenitas didapat nilai Fhitung 2,569 < Ftabel sebesar  3,15 berarti data yang digunakan homogen. Hasil analisis regresi linier sederhana ditunjukan dalam bentuk persamaan regresi Ŷ = 61,2 + 0,45X. Uji signifikansi regresi diperoleh = 32,02 dengan  (α= 0,05) = 4,38 dan  (α= 0,01) = 8,18, dengan demikian >  (α= 0,01) >  (α= 0,05) = 32,02 > 8,18 > 4,38. Berarti pengaruh kedua vaiabel sangat signifikan. Uji lineritas regresi  <  (α= 0,05) <  (α= 0,01) =  -0,54,<19,45<99,46 berarti hipotesis linier diterima. Kemudian pada uji koefisien jalur dan koefisien determinasi nilai koefisien jalur  = 0,47 atau  = 0,47 pada interval 0,400 – 0,599 berarti hubungannya sedang. Berdasarkan pengujian hipotesis statistik diperoleh = 26,24 dengan  (α=0,05) = 1,94 dengan demikian >  (α=0,05) = 26,24 > 1,94  maka terdapat pengaruh efikasi diri mahasiswa terhadap keterampilan mengajar.


Abstract:  This study aims to determine the effect of PGSD students' self-efficacy on basic teaching skills. The data collection instruments in this study were observation and questionnaires. Technical analysis through the analysis prerequisite test includes normality and homogeneity tests, then the research hypothesis is tested. The results of the study on the normality test of the two samples were normally distributed because the value of Lhitung ≤ Ltabel. In the homogeneity test, it was found that the value of Fcount was 2.569 <Ftable of 3.15, meaning that the data used was homogeneous. The results of simple linear regression analysis are shown in the form of the regression equation Ŷ = 61.2 + 0.45X. The regression significance test obtained Fcount = 32.02 with F table (α = 0.05) = 4.38 and F table (α = 0.01) = 8.18, thus Fcount> F table (α = 0.01)> F table (α = 0.05) = 32.02> 8.18> 4.38. This means that the effect of the two variables is very significant. The regression linearity test Fcount <F table (α = 0.05) <F table (α = 0.01) = -0.54, <19.45 <99.46 means that the linear hypothesis is accepted. Then in the path coefficient test and the coefficient of determination the path coefficient p_xy = 0.47 or r_xy = 0.47 in the interval 0.400 - 0.599 means that the relationship is moderate. Based on statistical hypothesis testing, it is obtained tcount = 26.24 with t table (α = 0.05) = 1.94 thus tcount> t table (α = 0.05) = 26.24> 1.94 then There is an effect of student self-efficacy on teaching skills.

Author Biography

Resyi Abdul Gani, Universitas Pakuan



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