UV-Vis Spectrophotometric Method Validation of Cefixime in Phosphate Buffer





Cefixime, Phosphate Buffer, Method Validation, UV-Vis Spectrophotometric.



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan metode baru untuk mengukur sefiksim dalam buffer fosfat 0,05 M. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis Genesys 10S. Akurasi, presisi, LOD & LOQ, linearitas, dan ketahanan metode ini divalidasi. Panjang gelombang sefiksim ditemukan pada 288 nm dengan konsentrasi larutan standar kerja 4-20 g/mL. Hasil validasi menunjukkan koefisien regresi sebesar 0,9981; % RSD akurasi, presisi, dan ketahanan di bawah 2%; LOD 0,843 g/mL; dan LOQ 2.555 g/mL. Kesimpulannya, metode yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini akurat, teliti, dan dapat diandalkan. Metode ini divalidasi sesuai pedoman ICH Q2 (R1) untuk akurasi, presisi, batas deteksi, batas kuantisasi, linieritas, dan ketahanan.


Kata kunci : Cefixime; Penyangga fosfat; Validasi metode; UV-Vis Spectrophotometric.



This study aim to develop a new method for measuring cefixime in 0.05 M phosphate buffer. The assay was performed using UV-Vis spectrophotometry Genesys 10S. The accuracy, precision, LOD & LOQ, linearity, and robustness of this method were validated. The wavelength of cefixime was found at 288 nm with a working standard solution concentration of 4-20 μg/mL. The validation results show a regression coefficient of 0.9981; % RSD of accuracy, precision, and robustness are below 2%; LOD 0.843 μg/mL; and LOQ 2,555 μg/mL. In conclusion, the method developed in this study is accurate, thorough, and reliable. The method was validated as per ICH Q2 (R1) guideline for accuracy, precision, detection limit, quantitation limit, linearity, and robustness.


Keywords : Cefixime; Phosphate Buffer; Method Validation; UV-Vis Spectrophotometric.



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