Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Media Radio Melalui Program On-Air


  • Adhi Kusuma UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Kota Serang 42118, Indonesia



marketing, promosi, 7p, produk, on-air, promotion, communication


Semakin banyaknya media televisi, banyaknya radio – radio baru muncul alokasi frekuensi radio yang terbatas, dan munculnya banyak media baru seperti internet dan lain sebagainya membuat eksistensi industri radio semakin terancam. Hal ini membuat radio harus mampu bertahan dalam persaingan media massa yang begitu ketat. Salah satunya melalui strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang diterapkan. Teori tersebut digunakan dalam Marketing Communications Mix Philip Kotler pada Analisis 7P. Paradigma penelitian adalah post-Positivisme. Hasil studi kasus secara umum menunjukkan kesesuaian antara pola konseptual yang diprediksi oleh teori-teori yang relevan dengan pola temuan studi kasus empiris, baik yang menyangkut profil organisasi Radio secara keseluruhan maupun spesifik mengenai komunikasi pemasaran radio. Kesimpulan utama, strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang diterapkan Radio adalah penerapan bauran komunikasi pemasaran (marketing communication mix) melalui analisis 7P (Place, Product, Price, Promotions, Process, People, Physical Evidence) dengan mempromosikan produk program on-air yang bersifat tersegmentasi dalam medium.

Increasing number of television media, many radio - new emerging radio frequency allocations are limited, and the emergence of many new media like the internet and so forth make the existence of the radio industry is increasingly threatened. This makes the radio must be able to survive in the competitive mass media is so tight. One of the efforts is through marketing communication strategy is applied. The theory is used in the Marketing Communications Mix Philip Kotler at 7P Analysis. The paradigm of research is the post-Positivism. The results of case studies generally showed concordance between conceptual patterns predicted by theories that are relevant to the patterns of findings of empirical case studies, both involving Radio overall organizational profile and specific regarding marketing communications radio. The main conclusion, marketing communication strategies applied Radio is the application of the marketing communications mix (marketing communication mix) through analysis 7P (Place, Product, Price, Promotions, Process, People, Physical Evidence) by promoting products on-air programs that are segmented in the medium



