Analisis Penerapan Prinsip Retorika di Panggung Debat Antar Calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta 2017


  • Fathurrijal Fathurrijal Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram



Retorika, Debat, Demokrasi, Pilkada, Rhetoric, Debate, Democracy, Regional Election,


Abstrak: Pemilihan kepala daerah yang dilaksanakan di semua daerah, baik provinsi dan kabupaten kota di Indonesia telah menjadi panggung politik yang mempertontonkan kualitas visi-misi calon kepala daerah, di dalamnya terdapat momentum menarik yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh masyarakat pemilih, momentum debat antar calon gubernur atau calon bupati/wali kota. Dalam momentum debat antar kandidat ini, kemampuan retoris kandidat sebagai peserta kontestasi demokrasi diuji dihadapan publik secara langsung dan disiarkan melalui televisi, radio, media sosial dan jejaring internet lainnya. Tulisan ini, memotret suasana kemampuan retoris para kontestan yang berkompetisi memperebutkan kursi gubernur dan kursi wakil gubernur DKI tahun 2017 lalu. Seperti apa penerapan perinsip-perinsip retorika selama debat antar kandidat berlangsung itulah yang dielaborasi dalam tulisan ini


Abtsract: Regional head elections held in all regions, both provinces and regency cities in Indonesia have become a political stage that shows the quality of the vision and mission of regional head candidates, in which there is an interesting momentum eagerly awaited by the voting community, debating momentum between prospective governors or candidates regents / mayors. In the momentum of the debate between candidates, the candidate's rhetorical ability as a participant in democratic contestation is tested before the public directly and broadcast via television, radio, social media and other internet networks. This paper, photographing the atmosphere of the rhetorical ability of the contestants who competed for the governor's chair and the deputy governor's seat in 2017 last year. What is the application of the principles of rhetoric during debates between candidates that are elaborated in this paper.





