
Call for Paper 2024



Lecturer, Researcher, Teacher, etc

We invite you to publish the results of devotion to the community, according to the scope of JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri).  


Vol 8 No 1 February 2024 [CLOSE]


Vol 8 No 2 April 2024 [OPEN]
Deadline submit 15 February 2024, maka ikut terbit periode April 2024.

Please send your full paper (. * doc) via the Register/Login form.
Email: [email protected]
Phone/WA: +62 87864003847

  1. Wajib submit menggunakan JMM Template yang baik dan benar.
  2. Naskah paper maksimal 10 halaman, jika lebih akan dikenakan biaya tambahan per halaman.
  3. Minimal 15 referensi, terbitan 10 tahun terakhir.
  4. Wajib menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote dalam penulisan referensi. Pilih APA style.
  5. Hasil cek plagiarisme maksimal 20%.
  6. Ukuran file maksimal 2 MB agar bisa terupload.



Acceptance Rate 2020 = 47%
Acceptance Rate 2021 = 23%
Acceptance Rate 2022 = 42%


Read more about Call for Paper 2024