
  • Eni Hidayati Universitas Mataram
  • Sitti Hilyana Universitas Mataram
  • Mahardika Rizqi Himawan Universitas Mataram
  • Saptono Waspodo Universitas Mataram
  • Sitti Latifah Universitas Mataram
  • Hardianty Hardianty Universitas Mataram




rhizophora mucronata, environmental-friendly pond, silvofishery



Salah satu metode rehabilitasi mangrove yang dapat meningkatkan tutupan mangrove sekaligus memberikan pendapatan kepada masyarakat yaitu silvofishery. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah merehabilitasi lahan bekas tambak yang sudah tidak produktif dengan metode silvofishery di Desa Paremas, Lombok Timur. Melalui kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata, Praktikum dan Praktik Kerja Lapang, tahapan kegiatan pengabdian yaitu (i) diskusi dengan pemerintah desa mengenai visi-misi Desa Paremas dan penentuan lokasi rehabilitasi, (ii) pengumpulan data dasar mengenai parameter lingkungan yang penting bagi pertumbuhan mangrove seperti durasi dan periode pasang-surut, salinitias, substrat, dan pH, (iii) penentuan jenis mangrove yang sesuai dengan parameter lingkungan, (iv) pembuatan desain silvofishery dan penanaman dan (v) monitoring semai mangrove. Rehabilitasi dilakukan di area bekas tambak seluas 4 hektar milik desa dengan jenis mangrove Rhizophora mucronata. Kegiatan ini menerapkan kolaborasi triple helix antara akademisi (Universitas Mataram), pemerintah (Pemerintah Desa Paremas) dan swasta (Yamamoto Lumber Forest, Co., Ltd). Akademisi berperan dalam penanaman, monitoring, dan penelitian, pemerintah berperan untuk memastikan status tenurial dan regulasi tata kelola silvofishery, dan swasta menyediakan dana untuk pembuatan tambak silvofishery serta bibit ikan/udang/kepiting. Evaluasi keberhasilan rehabilitasi dilakukan berdasarkan pertumbuhan tinggi dan persentase hidup semai mangrove. Persentase hidup bibit mangrove yang ditanam yaitu sekitar 80% dengan pertumbuhan semai rata-rata 10 cm dalam satu bulan.


Kata kunci: rhizophora mucronata; tambak ramah lingkungan; wanamina.



One method of mangrove rehabilitation that can increase mangrove cover while providing income to the community is silvofishery. The purpose of this community service activity is to rehabilitate abandoned fishponds that are no longer productive using the silvofishery method in Paremas Village, East Lombok. Through Community Service Lectures, Practicums and Field Work Practices, the stages of community service activities are (i) discussions with the village government regarding the vision and mission of Paremas Village and determination of rehabilitation locations, (ii) collection of basic data regarding environmental parameters that are important for mangrove growth such as duration and tidal period, salinity, substrate, and pH, (iii) determining mangrove species according to environmental parameters, (iv) making silvofishery designs and planting and (v) monitoring mangrove seedlings. Rehabilitation was carried out in abandoned fishpond area of 4 hectares belonging to the village with the Rhizophora mucronata mangrove species. This activity implements triple helix collaboration between academics (University of Mataram), government (Paremas Village Government) and the private sector (Yamamoto Lumber Forest, Co., Ltd). Academics play a role in planting, monitoring, and research, the government has a role in ensuring tenure status and regulation of silvofishery management, and the private sector provides funds for the construction of silvofishery ponds and fish/shrimp/crab seeds. Evaluation of the success of rehabilitation is carried out based on the height growth and survival rate of mangrove seedlings. The survival percentage of planted mangrove seedlings is around 80% with an average seedling growth of 10 cm in one month.


Keywords: rhizophora mucronata; environmental-friendly pond; silvofishery


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