


stunting, smart cadres, prevention, treatment



Stunting masih menjadi masalah gizi di Indonesia. Stunting menyebabkan terhambatnya perkembangan otak dan tumbuh kembang anak. Karena mengalami kekurangan gizi menahun, bayi stunting tumbuh lebih pendek dari standar tinggi balita seumurnya. Adapun angka stunting di Jawa Timur masih tinggi. Berdasarkan data dari Kementerian Kesehatan tahun 2021, angka stunting di Jawa Timur 23,5%, Pamekasan masuk 10 kabupaten/kota dengan stunting di Jawa Timur 38,7% dan Desa Bukek menempati posisi pertama 62,02%. Kurangnya pemahaman kader posyandu tentang pencegahan dan penanganan stunting menyebabkan kurang optimalnya kader dalam melakukan pendampingan ibu hamil dan ibu yang memiliki balita. Pengabdian ini adalah upaya dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang stunting melalui program transfer ilmu kepada para kader posyandu, program kader pintar merupakan serangkaian kegiatan dalam meningkatkan kapasitas kader posyandu dalam melakukan pencegahan dan penanganan stunting di Desa Bukek. Program kader pintar dilakukan selama 3 minggu melibatkan 15 kader posyandu. Tim pengabdian memberikan pengetahuan tentang stunting, mengajarkan cara pembuatan MP-ASI menggunakan bahan lokal yang ada di desa, mengajarkan pengukuran antropometri dan cara menghitung Z-Score dalam skrining balita stunting. Hasil kuesioner pengetahuan kader posyandu, pretest pengetahuan cukup 66,67% dan posttest pengetahuan baik 100%. Setelah kegiatan pengabdian ini, diharapkan kader posyandu memiliki kemampuan dalam melakukan upaya preventif dan promotif terkait stunting. Kader posyandu sebagai perpanjangan tangan Puskesmas dalam memantau tumbuh kembang anak ikut berperan aktif dalam menciptakan generasi muda yang lebih produktif.


Kata kunci: stunting; kader pintar; pencegahan; penanganan



Stunting is still a nutritional problem in Indonesia. Stunting causes delays in brain development and child development. Due to chronic malnutrition, stunted babies grow shorter than the standard height for toddlers of their age. The stunting rate in East Java is still high. Based on data from the Ministry of Health for 2021, the stunting rate in East Java is 23.5%, Pamekasan is included in 10 regencies/cities with stunting in East Java at 38.7% and Bukek Village occupies first position with 62.02%. The lack of understanding of posyandu cadres about the prevention and treatment of stunting causes cadres to be less than optimal in assisting pregnant women and mothers with toddlers. This service is an effort to increase knowledge about stunting through a knowledge transfer program to posyandu cadres, the smart cadre program is a series of activities to increase the capacity of posyandu cadres in preventing and treating stunting in Bukek Village. The smart cadre program was carried out for 3 weeks involving 15 posyandu cadres. The service team provided knowledge about stunting, taught how to make MP-ASI using local materials available in the village, taught anthropometric measurements and how to calculate the Z-Score in stunting toddler screening. The results of the posyandu cadre knowledge questionnaire, the pretest knowledge is sufficient 66.67% and the posttest good knowledge is 100%. After this community service activity, it is hoped that posyandu cadres will have the ability to carry out preventive and promotive efforts related to stunting. Posyandu cadres as an extension of the Puskesmas in monitoring the growth and development of children take an active role in creating a more productive young generation.


Keywords: stunting; smart cadres; prevention; treatment


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