
  • Dwi Ahmad Priyadi Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi
  • Galang Sandy Prayogo Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi
  • Kurniawan Muhammad Nur Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi



honey proces, coffee, telemung village, coffee pulper, banyuwangi.



Desa Telemung merupakan salah satu sentra penghasil kopi di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, dengan sebagian besar penduduknya memiliki lahan perkebunan kopi. Biji kopi segar di desa Telemung memiliki kualitas yang bagus, akan tetapi pengolahan yang masih sederhana menyebabkan harga jual biji kopi di daerah Telemung memiliki harga yang relatif rendah. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini ialah untuk mengenalkan dan memberikan pelatihan mengenai metode pengeringan biji kopi dengan metode honey process kepada petani kopi di Desa Telemung. Biji kopi hasil metode ini akan meningkatkan harga jual sebesar dua kali lipat. Pengabdian ini menggunakan metode berpa workshop dengan melibatkan 15 orang petani kopi tradisional di Desa Telemung, Banyuwangi. Evaluasi program dilakukan dengan melakukan perbandingan nilai pre-test dan post-test sebelum dan setelah pelatihan. Workshop dilakukan secara intensif dalam dua hari, yang berfokus pada penerapan prinsip pasca panen yang biak dan penggunaan alat produksi utama dengan teknologi terbaru (pulper double layer), tahapan-tahapan pengolahan honey process, dan evaluasi rasa biji kopi (cupping) yang dihasilkan. Hasil pre dan post-test menunjukkan bahwa petani sudah mengetahui metode honey process secara umum, ditunjukkan dengan skor rata-rata mencapai 75 poin. Sedangkan penggunaan alat pulper teknologi baru terbukti meningkatkan kapasitas produksi (109%). Antusias petani tinggi terhadap metode honey process, terbukti dari intensitas diskusi yang terjadi. Hal ini menunjukkan peluang adopsi teknologi yang tinggi terhadap metode ini.


Kata kunci: honey process; kopi; desa telemung; pulper kopi; banyuwangi.



Telemung Village is one of the coffee-producing centers in Banyuwangi Regency, with the majority of its farmers owning coffee plantations. Fresh coffee beans in Telemung village are of good quality, however simple processing causes the selling price of coffee beans in the Telemung area to be relatively low. The purpose of this community development is to introduce and provide training on the honey drying method for coffee farmers in Telemung Village. The coffee beans produced by this method will double the selling price. This community development program uses a workshop method involved 15 traditional coffee farmers from Telemung vilage, Banyuwangi. For evalution purpose, before and after the training, farmers' understanding of the honey process method was tested using a pre-test and post-test. The workshop was conducted intensively in two days, which focused on post harvest handling and the use of the main production equipment with the latest technology (pulper double layer), the stages of processing the honey process, and evaluating the taste of the coffee beans (cupping) produced. The pre and post-test results show that farmers already know the honey process method in general, indicated by an average score of 75 points. Training has been shown to increase farmers' understanding by increasing by 11.5 points, while the use of new pulper technology has been shown to increase production capacity (109%). Farmers' high enthusiasm for the honey process method was evident from the intensity of the discussions that took place. This shows a high chance of technology adoption of this method.


Keywords: honey proces; coffee; telemung village; coffee pulper; banyuwangi.

Author Biography

Galang Sandy Prayogo, Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi


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