
  • Sophya Hadini Marpaung Universitas Mikroskil
  • Riche Riche Universitas Mikroskil
  • Darwin Darwin Universitas Mikroskil



adobe flash, animation, community services, training, vocational high school



Perkembangan dunia pendidikan saat ini masuk pada konsep modern atau sering disebut dengan modern education, yang artinya melibatkan teknologi di dalam setiap implementasinya. Hal ini pun penting untuk diterapkan di sebuah sekolah unggulan seperti SMK Sultan Iskandar Muda yang menjadi mitra tim PkM kali ini. Sekolah menyadari bahwa siswa dirasa penting untuk dibekali dengan berbagai kemampuan baik seni dan desain lanjutan, karena kemampuan menggambar manual/digital, penguasaan software animasi, teknik animasi 2D dan 3D, spesial efek, fotografi, sinematografi, dan produksi film animasi juga menjadi bagian penting dari kompetensi di jurusan DKV sekolah ini, dan hal ini tidak cukup hanya didapatkan di bangku sekolah saja dan perlu adanya pertemuan/materi tambahan akan topik-topik tersebut diluar jam pelajaran sekolah. Hal-hal tersebutlah yang melatarbelakangi mengapa Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan. Diikuti oleh 13 orang siswa dari 2 angkatan yang berbeda yaitu kelas X dan XI di jurusan DKV/multimedia dan dilaksanakan selama 2 hari di SMK Sultan Iskandar Muda dengan kegiatan berupa pemberian pretest, tanya jawab, posttest, pengisian feedback hingga praktik yang membantu para siswa/i untuk memahami konsep dasar penggunaan Adobe Flash untuk menghasilkan konten-konten interaktif yang tentunya bermanfaat bagi studi mereka. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat berhasil dilakukan dan mendapatkan respon positif dari pihak sekolah.


Kata kunci: adobe flash; animasi; pelatihan; pengabdian masyarakat; sekolah menengah kejuruan



The development of the world of education is currently entering the modern concept or often referred to as modern education, which means involving technology in every implementation. This is also important to implement in a superior school such as Sultan Iskandar Muda Vocational School, which is the partner of the PkM team this time. The school realizes that it is important for students to be equipped with various skills, both advanced art and design, because manual/digital drawing skills, mastery of animation software, 2D and 3D animation techniques, special effects, photography, cinematography, and animated film production are also an important part of competence in the DKV department of this school, and this is not enough to be obtained only at school and there needs to be additional meetings/materials on these topics outside of school hours. These things are the background why this Community Service is carried out. It was attended by 13 students from 2 different batches, namely grades X and XI in the DKV/multimedia department and carried out for 2 days at Sultan Iskandar Muda Vocational School with activities in the form of giving pretests, question and answer, posttests, filling in feedback to practice which helps students to understand the basic concepts of using Adobe Flash to produce interactive content which is certainly beneficial for their studies. Community Service activities were successfully carried out and received a positive response from the school.


Keywords: adobe flash; animation; community services; training; vocational high school

Author Biographies

Sophya Hadini Marpaung, Universitas Mikroskil

Sistem Informasi

Riche Riche, Universitas Mikroskil


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