
  • Agung Sih Kurnianto Universites Jember
  • Nanang Tri Haryadi Universites Jember
  • Nilasari Dewi Universites Jember
  • Nur Laila Magvira Universites Jember
  • Kunni Lailatus Sa’adah Universites Jember
  • Ananda Ariadi Wibowo Universites Jember
  • Reza Maulana Universites Jember
  • Wildan Asshidiqqi Arma Universites Jember
  • Larrisa Izza Madani Universites Jember
  • Ayu Lestari Universites Jember
  • Auralia Sakinah Lestari Universites Jember
  • Riki Firmansyah Universites Jember
  • Galang Prasetya Universites Jember
  • Suharto Suharto Kelompok Tani Sumber Makmur



AESA, beauveria bassiana, entomopathogen, pest, and natural enemies



Masyarakat Desa Sumberjambe, Kecamatan Sumberjambe, Kabupaten Jember sebagian besar merupakan petani komoditi pangan dan hortikultura dengan produksi tinggi. Namun, ancaman penggunaan metode konvensional menjadi ancaman keberlanjutan pertanian di Sumberjambe. AGROECOSYTEM ANALYSIS (AESA) merupakan metode yang dilatih kepada masyarakat untuk memahami pormasalahan serta pemecahan masalah yang ada pada sebuah komunitas pengelola agroekosistem. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah melakukan pelatihan pengelolaan OPT untuk mengatasi permasalahan serangan OPT pada Gabungan Kelompok Tani (GAPOKTAN) Desa Sumberjambe, Kabupaten Jember melalui analisis agroekosistem (AESA). Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan. Pertama, dilakukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan identifikasi hama dan musuh alami. Kedua,  dilakukan pelatihan dan percontohan teknik monitoring lahan. Ketiga, dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan analisis agroekosistem berdasarkan hasil monitoring. Kelima, dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan APH. Terakhir, dilakukan monitoring dan evaluasi.   Terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan dari sebelum dilakukannya pelatihan terhadap musuh alami, hama, dan sumber permasalahan yang ada di kawasan pertanian Sumberjambe. Melalui AESA, juga kemudian diketahui bahwa jamur entomopatogen Beauveria bassiana menjadi salah satu solusi baik untuk mengatasi permasalahan meledaknya hama wereng coklat. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan petani setelah proses sosialisasi (meningkat 60%), praktek AESA (meningkat 90%), dan juga pelatihan perbanyakan Beauveria bassiana (meningkat 70%).


Kata kunci: AESA; Beauveria bassiana; entomopatogen; hama; dan musuh alami



In the village of Sumberjambe, Sumberjambe District, Jember Regency, the majority of the population are engaged in the cultivation of food crops and horticulture, yielding high production. However, the threat posed by conventional farming methods is endangering the sustainability of agriculture in Sumberjambe. AGROECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS (AESA) is a method that has been imparted to the community to understand the issues and problem-solving within an agroecosystem management community. The objective of this community service activity is to provide training in integrated pest management to address the pest problems faced by the Farmers' Group Association (GAPOKTAN) in Sumberjambe Village, Jember Regency, through agroecosystem analysis (AESA). The community service activities were carried out in several stages. Firstly, there was the socialization and training on pest and natural enemy identification. Secondly, training and field demonstrations of land monitoring techniques were conducted. Thirdly, training and guidance on agroecosystem analysis based on monitoring results were provided. Fifth, training and guidance on the preparation of environmentally friendly pest control measures (APH) were given. Finally, monitoring and evaluation took place. There was a significant improvement observed before and after the training in the knowledge of natural enemies, pests, and the sources of problems in the Sumberjambe agricultural area. Through AESA, it was also discovered that the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana is a viable solution to address the issue of brown planthopper infestation. There was an increase in farmers' knowledge after the socialization process (increased by 60%), the practice of AESA (increased by 90%), and also the training on the propagation of Beauveria bassiana (increased by 70%).


Keywords: AESA; beauveria bassiana; entomopathogen; pest; and natural enemies


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