
  • Irma Darmayanti Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Nandang Hermanto Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Dinar Mustofa Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Rizki Sadewo Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Laily Farkhah Adhimah Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Isti Nurhafiyah Universitas Amikom Purwokerto



literacy, digital, worpress, training.



Bangsa yang besar ditandai dengan masyarakatnya yang literat, yang memiliki peradaban tinggi, dan aktif memajukan masyarakat dunia. Sebagai bangsa yang besar, Indonesia harus mampu mengembangkan budaya literasi. Namun, hasil observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan tim pengabdi di SMK Bakti Purwokerto. Salah satu dampak belajar daring adalah menurunnya minat baca dikalangan siswa. Adanya kecanduan terhadap konten-konten hiburan juga sebagai salah satu pemicu menurunnya pengunjung perpustakaan sekolah. Selain itu pola siswa cenderung serba ingin instan dan ingin cepat membuat dominanya budaya tutur (lisan) daripada budaya baca. Melihat kecenderung siswa saat ini cenderung yang bergantung pada teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Untuk itu pengabdi berupaya untuk membuat inovasi pada kegiatan literasi dengan mengadakan “pelatihan pemanfaatan teknologi Wordpress†sebagai upaya pengenalan literasi digital. Metode  pembelajaran berbasis proyek dilakukan selama pelatihan dimana siswa belajar untuk membuat situs blog pribadi sebagai wujud apresiasi diri. Dari kegiatan pelatihan yang berlangsung 75% siswa menginginkan kegiatan pelatihan Wordpress dapat kembali dilakukan.


Kata kunci: digital; literasi; pelatihan; worpress.



A great nation is characterized by its literate people, who have a high civilization, and are active in advancing the world community. A great nation is characterized by a literate society, which has a high civilization, and actively advances the world community. As a great nation, Indonesia must be able to develop a culture of literacy. However, the results of observations and interviews conducted by the team at SMK Bakti Purwokerto. One of the impacts of online learning is the declining interest in reading among students. The addiction to entertainment content is also one of the triggers for the decline in school library visitors. In addition, the pattern of students tends to want to be instant and want to quickly make the dominance of speech culture (oral) rather than reading culture. Seeing the tendency of students today to depend on information and communication technology. For this reason, pengabdi strives to make innovations in literacy activities by holding "Wordpress s technology utilization training" as an effort to introduce digital literacy. From the training activities that took place, 75% of students wanted Wordpress s training activities to be carried out again.r, Indonesia must be able to develop a culture of literacy. However, the results of observations and interviews conducted by the team at SMK Bakti Purwokerto. One of the impacts of online learning is the decline in interest in reading among students. The addiction to entertainment content is also one of the triggers for the decline in library visitors.


Keywords: literacy; digital; worpress; training.

Author Biography

Irma Darmayanti, Universitas Amikom Purwokerto

Dosen di Universitas Amikom Purwokerto


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