
  • Hadi Pajarianto Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo
  • Imran Ukkas Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo
  • Imam Pribadi Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo



development, entrepreneurship, college students, alumny



Pandemi Covid-19 tidak hanya berdampak kepada sektor ekonomi, tetapi juga berimplikasi pada pola pembatasan sosial yang menghambat Pengembangan Kewirausahaan di kampus. PPK adalah program pengembangan kewirausahaan yang telah berjalan sejak tahun 2019 dan berlanjut tahun 2020. Metode pelaksanaan PPK menggunakan pendekatan SLA (The Sustainable Livelihood Approach), yang diperkuat dengan metode PALS (Parcipatory Action Learning) yang menitikberatkan pada transformasi kegiatan untuk penguatan jiwa enterpreneurship mahasiswa. Siklus kegiatannya ada tiga; pertama, Socio-Technopreneurship Awaraeness Campaign agar Socio-Technopreneur menjadi gerakan bersama di lingkungan perguruan tinggi. Kedua, Capasity Building agar tenant, memiliki pemahaman dan skill dalam berwirausaha; dan ketiga, Institutionalization sebagai upaya pelembagaan kegiatan kewirausahaan di kampus sebagai upaya menciptakan jaringan dengan memanfaatkan keunggulan lembaga mitra. Kegiatan pembinaan dilakukan secara terintegrasi yang meliputi pelatihan kewirausahaan, pendampingnan penyusunan business plan, pembuatan brand produk, manajemen pemasaran, pengelolaan keuangan berbasis teknologi, magang, dan konsultasi bisnis. Program kewirausahaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo telah menghasilkan 12 wirausahawan mandiri yang berbasis teknologi, yakni: Bua hydrofarm, sarang palacci, edureptil, kribou, edubookstore, boklet muslimah, rumah kue Palopo, Mbafood, Sambal Sabu, aplikasi gandeng, artMu, dan Madu Trigona Bua.


Kata kunci: pengembangan; kewirausahaan; mahasiswa; alumni



The Covid-19 pandemic not only affected the economic sector, but also had implications for the pattern of social restrictions which limited entrepreneurship development on campus. PPK is an entrepreneurial development program that has been running since 2019 and continues in 2020. The  PpK  implementation method uses SLA (The Sustainable Livelihood Approach), which is reinforced by PALS (Parcipatory Action Learning) method which focuses on transforming activities to strengthen the Entrepreneurship in student’s mind. There are three cycles of activity; first, the Socio-Technopreneurship Awaraeness Campaign in order for Socio-Technopreneur to become a joint movement in the college environment. Second, Capacity Building, Thus the tenants, have understanding and skill in entrepreneurship; and third, Institutionalization as an effort to institutionalize entrepreneurial activities on campus in order  to create a network by utilizing the excellence of partner institutions. Training activities are carried out in an integrated way which includes entrepreneurial training, business plan preparation assistance, product branding, marketing management, technology-based financial management, internships, and business consulting. Entrepreneurial program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo has produced 12 self-employed of entrepreneurs based on technology, which are named: Bua hydrofarm, sarang palacci, edureptil, kribou, edubookstore, boklet muslimah, rumah kue Palopo, Mbafood, Sambal Sabu, gandeng application, artMu, and Madu Trigona Bua.


Keywords: development; entrepreneurship; college students; alumny

Author Biography

Hadi Pajarianto, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo

Lektor, pada Prodi Pendidikan Guru PAUD


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