
  • Nuryaningsih Nuryaningsih Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Heri Rosyati Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Afra Hadiyani Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Syafira Nurfajri Istiqomah Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta



personal hygiene education during menstruation, source of information, knowledge



Personal hygiene saat menstruasi menentukan kualitas hidup remaja puteri dimasa depan. Remaja puteri sangat rentan terkena infeksi pada organ reproduksi terutama saat menstruasi. Kondisi ini menuntut remaja puteri mendapatkan informasi yang tepat dan benar tentang personal hygiene saat menstruasi. Personal Hygiene Education saat menstruasi merupakan suatu kegiatan pemberian pendidikan kesehatan tentang upaya memelihara kesehatan diri terutama saat menstruasi. Tujuan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini yaitu meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang cara membersihkan organ reproduksi ketika menstruasi pada orang tua siswa SDN 05 Marunda Kelas 6, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara. Metode yang dilakukan pada kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini yaitu dengan menyebarkan kuesioner sebelum (pre test), pelaksanaan personal hygiene education saat menstruasi dan sesudah kegiatan (post test) sebagai bentuk evaluasi. Hasil pre test menunjukkan 6,7% orang tua kurang memahami cara melakukan personal hygiene saat menstruasi dan hasil post test menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan orang tua menjadi 86,7% tentang personal hygiene saat menstruasi. Kegiatan ini sangat didukung untuk dapat dilaksanakan secara berkelanjutan.


Kata kunci: personal hygiene education saat menstruasi; sumber informasi; pengetahuan



Personal hygiene during menstruation determines the quality of life of young women in the future. Teenage girls are very susceptible to infection in the reproductive organs, especially during menstruation. This condition requires young women to get the right and correct information about personal hygiene during menstruation. Personal Hygiene Education during menstruation is an activity to provide health education on maintaining personal health, especially during menstruation. The purpose of this community service is to raise knowledge about how to clean the reproductive organs during menstruation for parents of grade 6 students at SDN 05 Marunda, Cilincing, North Jakarta. The method used in this community service activity is by distributing questionnaires before (pre-test), implementing personal hygiene education during menstruation, and after activities (post-test) as a form of evaluation. The results of the pre-test showed that 6,7% of parents did not understand how to do personal hygiene during menstruation. Meanwhile, the results of the post-test showed an increase in the knowledge of parents to 86,7% about personal hygiene during menstruation. This activity is strongly suggested to be carried out sustainably.


Keywords: personal hygiene education during menstruation; source of information; knowledge

Author Biography

Nuryaningsih Nuryaningsih, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta


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