
  • Ellia Ariesti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Panti Waluya Malang
  • Eli Lea Widhia Purwandhani Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Panti Waluya Malang



caregiver, thought stopping therapy, anxiety, covid-19, elderly



Panti Pangesti Lawang adalah salah satu panti sosial yang yang terletak di Lawang, Kabupaten Malang. Hasil survey menunjukkan tingginya prevalensi Covid 19 yang diderita oleh peugas maupun pada lansia di LKS-LU Pangesti Lawang. Selain itu, ditemukan juga permasalahan bahwa Caregiver masih banyak yang belum memahami mengenai pengelolaan dan penatalaksanaan kesehatan lansia di masa pandemi covid 19 sehingga kondisi ini menyebabkan ketakutan dan kecemasan. Oleh karena itu, kami bermaksud untuk mengadakan pelatihan kepada Caregiver agar dapat mengurangi kecemasan saat merawat lansia yang terpapar Covid 19 sehingga kesehatan lansia dapat termonitor seoptimal mungkin dan bisa  mencegah terpaparnya petugas dan lansia dengan penyakit covid 19. Pada tahap persiapan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan untuk mendapatkan Ijin dari pimpinan LKS-LU Panti Pangesti Lawang. Tahap pelaksanaan pelatihan ini dilaksanakan selama 3x pertemuan, 1 kali pertemuan dilakukan secara daring dengan materi kecemasan dan terapi Thought Stopping, pertemuan ke 2 dengan materi terapi Thought Stopping kemudian dilanjutkan praktik, dan pertemuan ketiga dengan kegiatan evaluasi praktik terapi Thought Stopping. Sebelum dilakukan pertemuan pertama dilakukan pretest dan didapatkan nilai rata-rata kecemasan caregiver 10,5 atau masuk kategori kecemasan sedang dan sesudah kegiatan pelatihan (pertemuan ke 3), dilakukan posttest, dan didapatkan nilai rata-rata kecemasan caregiver 6,8 atau masuk kategori normal. Perubahan nilai antara pre dan post ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perubahan tingkat kecemasan. Caregiver mengerti dan mampu melakukan terapi Thought Stopping, kemudian bersedia untuk mengajarkan ke lansia.


Kata kunci: caregiver; terapi thought stopping; kecemasan; covid-19; lansia



Pangesti Lawang Panti is one of the social institutions located in Lawang, Malang Regency. The survey results show the high prevalence of Covid 19 suffered by staff and the elderly at LKS-LU Pangesti Lawang. In addition, it was also found a problem that there are still many caregivers who do not understand the management and management of the health of the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic so that this condition causes fear and anxiety. Therefore, we intend to hold training for Caregivers in order to reduce anxiety when caring for the elderly who are exposed to Covid 19 so that the health of the elderly can be monitored as optimally as possible and can prevent the exposure of officers and the elderly with Covid 19 disease. In the preparation stage, activities are carried out to obtain permits. from the leadership of LKS-LU Panti Pangesti Lawang. The implementation phase of this training was carried out for 3 meetings, 1 meeting was conducted online with material on anxiety and Thought Stopping therapy, the second meeting was with Thought Stopping therapy material, followed by practice, and the third meeting was evaluation of the practice of Thought Stopping therapy. Before the first meeting, a pretest was conducted and the average caregiver anxiety value was 10.5 or it was in the category of moderate anxiety and after training activities (3rd meeting), a posttest was carried out, and the average caregiver anxiety value was 6.8 or entered the normal category. . Changes in the value between pre and post indicate that there is a change in the level of anxiety. Caregivers understand and are able to do Thought Stopping therapy, then are willing to teach it to the elderly.


Keywords: caregiver; thought stopping therapy; anxiety; covid-19; elderly

Author Biographies

Ellia Ariesti, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Panti Waluya Malang

Prodi Keperawatan

Eli Lea Widhia Purwandhani, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Panti Waluya Malang

Prodi Keperawatan


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