Platelet Modeling in DHF Patients Using Local Polynomial Semiparametric Regression on Longitudinal Data


  • Tiani Wahyu Utami Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Airlangga University
  • Nur Chamidah Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Airlangga University
  • Toha Saifudin Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Airlangga University



Semiparametric Regression, Polynomial Local, Longitudinal Data, Platelets, DHF.


Regression analysis is one of the statistical methods used to model the relationship between response variables and predictor variables. Semiparametric regression is a combination of parametric and nonparametric regression. The estimator used in estimating the semiparametric regression model in this research is the Local Polynomial. Longitudinal data can be found in the health sector, including dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) data. The laboratory criteria for indication of DHF is thrombocytopenia. This research aims to obtain platelets model for DHF patients that can be used for forecasting so that it is hoped that it can provide information to the medical team in treating DHF patients. The estimated model used is Local Polynomial semiparametric regression on longitudinal data. The response variables in this research were platelets of DHF patients, which were influenced by hemoglobin as parametric predictor variable and examination time while hospitalized as nonparametric predictor variable. In the local polynomial regression model, it is necessary to select the optimal bandwidth and polynomial order method, GCV. The optimum bandwidth selection based on the GCV method obtained is 1.5 and polynomial order of 2, then applied to DHF patient platelet data, producing an estimated local polynomial semiparametric regression model that follows the actual data pattern. Modeling the platelets of DHF patients obtained using a local polynomial estimator resulted in an R2 value of 84.25% and MAPE of 4.5%, indicating highly accurate forecasting, so it can be concluded that the resulting model is better at predicting.


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