
  • Syaharuddin Al Musthafa Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
  • Vera Mandailina Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram




Delphi, Ms Access, Perpustakaan, Digital,


Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan program aplikasi Sistem Perancangan Perpustakaan Digital [SPPD] menggunakan Delphi dan Ms Access. Adapun cakupan pengembangan meliputi (1), Bank Data Judul Skripsi FKIP UM Mataram, (2) Rekam Jejak Penelitian dan Pengabdian Dosen, (3) Kepustakaan: Literatur Pustaka, Registrasi Keanggotaan, Rekapan Pengunjung, Sistem Pinjam dan Kembali Buku Pustaka, dan (4) Sistem Pelaporan. Program aplikasi ini bisa digunakan oleh Prodi dalam akses informasi judul skripsi yang sudah pernah diteliti oleh mahasiswa sebagai bahan dasar penetapan judul ketika mahasiswa melakukan pengajuan judul skripsi, dan bisa digunakan oleh pustakawan dalam hal peningkatan pelayanan dan kepuasan mahasiswa di perpustakaan. Pengembangan software ini dilakukan melalui 4 tahap yang disebut 4-D yakni: Define, Design, Develop, and Disemination. Berdasarkan analisa data diperoleh hasil pada tahap validasi ahli diperoleh tingkat kevalidan rata-rata sebesar 3,88 yang berarti “cukup validâ€. Kemudian pada uji coba terbatas rata-rata mahasiswa memberikan respon sebesar 82,00% yang berarti “sangat baikâ€. Sedangkan pada uji coba lapangan pertama rata-rata mahasiswa memberikan respon 88,30% yang berarti “sangat baikâ€, dan pada uji coba lapangan kedua rata-rata mahasiswa memberikan respon 80,42% yang berarti “sangat baikâ€.

Abstract: The research aimed to develop the application program of Digital Library Design System using Delphi and Ms Access. The scope of development includes (1), Bank Data Title Thesis FKIP UM Mataram, (2) Record Traces of Research and Dedication of Lecturers, (3) Literature: Library Literature, Membership Registration, Record Visitors, Lending and Return System Book Literature, and (4) ) Reporting System. This application program can be used by the Study Program in the access thesis title information that has been studied by the students as the basic material of title determination when the student submits the title of the thesis, and can be used by the librarian in terms of improving the service and student satisfaction in the library. Software development is done through 4 stages called 4-D namely: Define, Design, Develop, and Disemination. Based on the data analysis, the results obtained at the expert validation stage obtained the level of the average validity of 3.88, which means "quite valid". Then on a limited trial the average student gave a response of 82.00% which means "very good". While in the first field trial the average student responded 88.30% which means "very good", and in the second field trial the average student responded 80.42% which means "very good".


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Syaharuddin, Vera Mandailina, Habib Ratu PN, Abdillah, Kiki Riska AK. 2017. JISYM: Desktop Application To Increase Lecturer Publication Ratio. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, 4(11), pp. 197-201.





