


Pembelajaran, Menulis Cerpen, Platform Sastra Siber


Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap kesenjangan penggunaan karya sastra di platform sastra siber (Wattpad, Fizzo, dan NovelToon) pada pembelajaran sastra Indonesia. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas cerpen siswa dan implikasi penggunaan platform sastra siber terhadap pembelajaran sastra di Indonesia. Penggunaan platform sastra siber diakui efektif dalam mengajarkan dan mengenalkan sastra kepada siswa. Namun, pembelajaran sastra dengan platform sastra siber berdampak pada kualitas cerpen ang dihasilkan siswa. Masalah utama penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kualitas lingkungan sastra platform sastra siber, bagaimana dampak platform sastra siber terhadap karakteristik cerpen siswa, dan bagaimana implikasi penggunaan platform sastra siber terhadap selera sastra siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data, dan (3) verifikasi. Data diperoleh melalui studi pustaka terhadap penelitian dan sumber yang berkaitakn dengan pembelajaran sastra dan platform sastra siber. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa lingkungan sastra siber tidak mendukung lingkungan sastra yang adiluhung. Hal ini berdampak pada karakteristik cerpen siswa yang serupa dengan karakteristik sastra populer. Maka dari itu, penggunaan platform sastra siber dalam pembelajaran sastra dapat berimplikasi terhadap selera, kualitas, dan arah perkembangan sastra Indonesia secara luas. Abstract: The aim of this research is to reveal the gap in the use of literary works on cyber literary platforms (Wattpad, Fizzo, and NovelToon) in Indonesian literature learning. Apart from that, this research aims to determine the quality of students' short stories and the implications of using cyber literary platforms for literature learning in Indonesia. The use of cyberliterature platforms is recognized as effective in teaching and introducing literature to students. However, learning literature using the cyberliterature platform has an impact on the quality of the short stories produced by students. The main problem of this research is the quality of the literary environment of the cyber literature platform, what is the impact of the cyber literature platform on the characteristics of students' short stories, and what are the implications of using the cyber literature platform on students' literary tastes. This study used the descriptive-qualitative method. Data were analyzed qualitatively with (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) verification. Data was obtained through a literature study of research and sources related to literary learning and cyber-literary platforms. The research results show that the cyberliterary environment does not support a noble literary environment. This has an impact on the characteristics of students' short stories, which are similar to the characteristics of popular literature. Therefore, the use of cyberliterary platforms in literature learning can have implications for the taste, quality, and direction of the development of Indonesian literature at large.

Author Biographies


Dosen Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, UIN Walisongo Semarang






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