
  • Vivi Aulia STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin
  • Moh Yamin Universitas Lambung Mangkurat



Students’ activities, Integrated thematic, Textbook, Primary school, 21st century skill.


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa saja aktivitas keterampilan siswa pada buku teks tematik terpadu jenjang SD yang dibutuhkan pada abad 21 saat ini. Buku teks tematik terpadu yang diteliti berjudul Bumiku dan Menjelajah Angkasa Luar untuk kelas enam yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI tahun 2018 sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Kriteria yang digunakan dalam menganalisis aktivitas keterampilan siswa pada buku ini mengadaptasi kriteria Partnership for 21st century skills yaitu critical thinking and problem solving skills, communication skill, collaboration skill, dan creativity and innovation skills. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas keterampilan siswa yang dominan muncul pada kedua buku ini berdasarkan kriteria tersebut adalah memunculkan ide dan membuat kesimpulan untuk mendorong siswa memiliki critical thinking and problem solving skills, saling berdiskusi untuk mendorong siswa memiliki communication skill, bekerjasama dalam kelompok untuk mendorong siswa memiliki collaboration skill, serta membuat hasil karya sendiri secara kreatif untuk mendorong siswa memiliki creativity and innovation skills. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ini, buku teks tematik terpadu untuk jenjang SD diharapkan dapat memberikan variasi aktivitas keterampilan abad 21 lebih banyak sebagai bekal mempersiapkan  siswa dari jenjang dasar untuk bersaing di era globalisasi pada masa yang akan datang.

Abstract:  The aim of this research was to know what kind of skills in the today’s 21st century were promoted by integrated thematic textbooks for primary school. Two integrated thematic textbooks have been investigated. They were Bumiku and Menjelajah Angkasa Luar for the sixth grade of primary school published by the Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture following 2013 Curriculum. The research was descriptive with a qualitative approach. The criteria for century skills used to analyze the content of those textbooks were adapted from the Partnership for 21st century skills. They were critical thinking and problem solving skills, communication skill, collaboration skill, as well as creativity and innovation skills. The result of the analysis showed that the dominant student activities occuring in these textbooks were generating idea and making inference activities to promote critical thinking and problem solving skills, discussing activity to promote communication skill, working in group to promote collaboration skill, and creating product creatively to promote students’ creativity and innovation skills. It was expected that the activities on integrated thematic textbooks would further enhance the skills of primary school students in the 21st century as the first step at the level of education preparing them along with future globalization.


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