Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Siswa Kelas 2 SD Negeri 020272


  • Syazarah Soraya Universiras Negeri Medan


Literacy, Low class, Online learning.


This study aims to analyze and describe how the literacy skills of the lower grade students in SD Negeri 020272 amounting to 25 students, go through online learning during the current pandemic. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research, with the research subject being 2nd grade elementary school students.... The data collection techniques used are; observation, interview, and documentation. Analysis of the data used in the form of descriptive analysis, which includes three paths, namely; data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The conclusion obtained is that the average listening ability of children is in the category of developing as expected (BSH) with an average number of 58. Reading ability is in the category of starting to develop (MB) with an average number of 23. For speaking ability is in the category of developing according to expectations (BSH) with an average number of 31, while writing skills are in the category of developing according to expectations (BSH) with an average number of 37. From the analysis of students' literacy skills in elementary school... which still needs to be developed again namely the reading ability of children who are categorized as starting to develop. If a child can read well, then other literacy skills such as speaking, writing and listening will also get better.


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