Manajemen Fisioterapi Pada Pasien Drop Foot E.C. Morbus Hansen Multi Basiler Studi Kasus


  • Zahra Undzira Kurna Putri Prodi Profesi Fisioterapi, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Arif Pristianto Prodi Profesi Fisioterapi, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Teguh Prihastomo RSUD Kusta Kelet Donorojo


Morbus Hansen, Drop Foot, Exercise Therapy


Abstract: Background: Morbus Hansen (leprosy) is a chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. One of the problems that arise due to leprosy is foot drop. The physiotherapy program provided aims to prevent the occurrence of additional disability/deformity. Objective: to know the physiotherapy management in patients with foot drop e.c. multi-bacillary hansenmorbus with exercise therapy modalities.Methods: this study used a case report approach in patients with foot drop e.c. multi-bacillary hansen morbus, this case was taken at the Donorojo leprosy hospital. Results: the administration of exercise therapy which was carried out 14 times obtained the results of measuring muscle strength with MMT, namely plantar flexi dextra T0: 5 and T14: 5, dorsi flexi dextra T0: 3 and T14: 4, Eversi dextra T0: 1 and T14: 3, dextra inversion T0: 3 and T14: 3. Left plantar flexi T0: 5 and T14: 5, left dorsi flexi T0: 3 and T14: 3, left eversion T0: 1 and T14: 2, left inversion T0: 3 and T14 : 3. LGS measurement with a goniometer obtained dextra results T0-T14: S=30-35, R=0-0-30, Left T0: S=30-30 and T14: S=30-35, T0-T14: R =0-0-30. Examination of the POD (Prevalance of Disability test), namely examination of nerve thickening at T0-T14: there is still thickening of the nerves, examination of motor function at T0-T14: there is an increase in motor nerve function, examination of sensory nerve function at T0-T14: there is no change and functional examination with FADI at T0: ADL 66, pain 4 and T14: ADL 70 and pain 4 (no pain).Conclusion: Based on this case study research, it shows that physiotherapy management in patients with foot drop e.c. multi basiler hansen morbus in the form of exercise therapy can increase muscle strength, motor nerve function and range of motion although not significant, there has been no change in sensory function and there has been an increase in functional activity although not significant.



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