Kajian Empiris Penerapan Media Sosial dan Marketplace pada UMKM di Kabupaten Banyumas


  • Lilis Umiati Accounting Department, Wijaya Kusuma University of Purwokerto
  • Minadi Wijaya Accounting Department, Wijaya Kusuma University of Purwokerto
  • Ginanjar Adi Nugraha Accounting Department, Wijaya Kusuma University of Purwokerto
  • Sully Kemala Octisari Accounting Department, Wijaya Kusuma University of Purwokerto
  • Sodik Dwi Purnomo Accounting Department, Wijaya Kusuma University of Purwokerto


Digital Marketing Stratey, Digital Marketing, Digitalization of MSMEs


The use of digital marketing by MSMEs in Banyumas Regency has increased since the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though it has increased, the use of digital marketing by MSMEs in Banyumas is still not optimal. The Banyumas Regency Government facilitates digital marketing training for MSMEs in Banyumas and digital marketing literacy needs to be carried out by MSMEs. This study aims to find out how the development of the use of digital marketing, especially through social media and marketplaces for MSMEs in Banyumas Regency. The sampling approach uses random sampling with a sample of 22 MSMEs in Banyumas Regency who carry out digital marketing. This research is a qualitative research and data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis. The results of the empirical study show that 1) MSME actors who have responded quickly to customer requests and complaints (90,9%), 2) MSME actors who have created attractive product marketing content (86,4%), 3) MSME actors who have not joined the online business community (40,9%), and 4) MSME actors who rarely post products (50%), so the use of digital marketing through social media and marketplaces by MSME actors in Banyumas Regency is good but still needs to be improved . The implication of this empirical study is that digital marketing training and increased digital marketing literacy for MSMEs are still needed.


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