Pengaruh Pembayaran Non Tunai Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Masa Pandemi COVID-19



ATM/Debit Cards, Electronic Transactions, Credit Cards and Economic Growth


The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the effect of the variables on the number of ATM/debit transactions, the number of electronic transactions and the number of credit card transactions on economic growth in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data used in this study is monthly time series data from January 2019 to March 2022 with a total sample of 39 months. The analytical method used is the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The results showed that in the short term the variable number of ATM/debit transactions has a negative relationship and significantly influences economic growth at the α level of 5% with a coefficient of 69.70485. In the long run the variable number of ATM/debit transactions has a negative relationship and significantly influences economic growth with a coefficient of 44.35153. The independent variables are able to explain the dependent variable of 78.9%, the remaining 21.1% is influenced by other variables besides the number of ATM/debit transactions, the number of electronic transactions and the number of credit card transactions.

Author Biography

Ika Rahma Febrianti, Sebelas Maret University

Monetary research


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