Peningkatan Promosi dengan Penguatan Merek Usaha dan Personal Selling pada Bisnis Jajanan Pasar


  • A.A. Raka Jayaningsih Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali
  • Putu Eny Suhardiyani Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali


culinary, street food, market, personal selling, branding, logo, canva


Innovation in the culinary world never stops, there are always new foods that are popular in the community. However, apart from new foods, market snacks are still sought after by the public because of their delicious flavors and attractive shapes. Market snacks are also often found at certain events such as social gatherings, meetings and even religious events. Market snacks also have specificities depending on each region. The large number of business actors working in this field proves that the street food business is still promising. The market share is still large because the types are diverse so that they can accommodate different tastes and the prices also vary. The service partner this time is Mrs. Aan who has been managing the street food business for approximately 3 years. Partners sell their snacks at Pasar Kusuma Jimbaran. Based on the results of interviews, partners also have 3 competitors in the market that sell market snacks. Based on the partner's situation, the service proposer team has a solution to improve the personal selling ability of partners so that partners can improve their personal selling capabilities and also strengthen business branding by making names and training on logo creation using the Canva application. From the community service activities that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the activities run smoothly, partners can understand the material that has been given, namely personal selling to help sales which can be seen from the results of the assessment getting 75%. Partners feel that the material presented is very useful to expedite the work of partners. Partners also feel that the logo that has been obtained is very helpful for promoting partner products in the future.


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