Physical Quality of Red Chili Powder (Capsicum Annum L.) Result


  • Dian Purbasari
  • Rike Risdiyanti Eka Putri Universitas Jember



Keywords, Red chili, Drying, foam-mat drying, temperature


One of the horticultural commodities that are rapidly damaged is red chili. Red chili is one type of vegetable that has fairly high water content. As a result of the high water content, red chilies are easily wilted and rotted. One alternative is through the drying process of fresh red chilies into chili powder using the foam-mat drying method. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical quality of red chili powder with a combination of variations in drying temperature and developer dosage. The results of this study showed that at a drying temperature of 80°C and a 5% developer dose, the fastest drying time was 7-8 hours with the lowest moisture content being 8.44%. The highest yield value (9.08%) was at a drying temperature of 60°C; the value of the degree of fineness (FM) is 0.601; the value of the brightness level (L) is 51.95; the value of yellowness level (b) is 24.26; and the bulk density value is 0.495 g/ml. The highest value of grain size (D) at a drying temperature of 80°C is 0.00512 mm; the value of the level of redness (a) is 30.91; the value of water absorption (DSA) is 2.73 g/ml; and oil absorption (DSM) is 1.23 g/ml


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