Design of a Compost Tablet Press System


  • Nabila Agustina Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
  • Sirajuddin H Abdullah Universitas Mataram
  • Karyanik Karyanik Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram



Compost, Organic fertilizer, Hydrogels, Mold Capacity, Anova


Compost is an organic fertilizer whose basic ingredients are from weathering plant material or organic waste. However, the community has a few obstacles, namely the need for very large doses of fertilizer which often makes its use difficult. Therefore, efforts need to be made to overcome this problem, namely by making the fertilizer form into a solid form. So a tablet compost printer was made that can determine the capacity of the tool's mold with a press system. Analysis of the data used in this study is a mathematical approach using Microsoft Excel and a statistical approach using ANOVA diversity analysis and further test of Honest Significant Difference (BNJ) level 5%. The results showed that the higher the addition of hydrogel, the lower the dimension value, both weight, height and diameter of the tablet. The capacity of the mold in each treatment was carried out 3 times the average repetition of each treatment at P1 4.41 kg/hour, P2 6.10 kg/hour and P3 6.30 kg/hour the weight of the compost material affects the capacity of the mold, the heavier the material being printed, the higher the capacity of the mold.


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