Gaya Komunikasi Dakwah Husein Ja’far Al-Hadar dalam Ceramahnya di Youtube | The Communication Style of Husein Ja'far Al-Hadar's Da'wah in his Lecture on Youtube


  • Kaka Hasan Abdul Kodir Prodi. Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, STID Al Hadid Surabaya, 60112
  • Anggit Rizkianto Prodi. Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, STID Al Hadid Surabaya, 60112



communication, da’wah, style of communication, da’wah media, Husein Ja’far Al-Hadar,


Studi ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi secara mendalam bentuk dan penerapan dari gaya komunikasi dakwah Husein Ja’far Al-Hadar dalam salah satu video ceramahnya di Youtube yang berjudul “Agungnya Meminta Maaf dan Memaafkan: Belajar dari Nabi dan Sahabatâ€. Husein Ja’far Al-Haidar adalah Da’i yang sangat berhasil memanfaatkan Youtube sebagai media dakwah, khususnya di kalangan muda-milenial, sehingga dakwahnya cukup menarik untuk diteliti. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan teknik observasi (pengamatan) pada sumber primernya langsung yang bersifat audio visual. Sumber sekunder didapatkan dari berbagai literatur atau referensi lain yang relevan, baik itu jurnal ilmiah maupun pemberitaan media. Beberapa simpulan yang didapatkan dari studi ini, pertama, ceramah Husein Ja’far Al Haidar berjudul “Agungnya Meminta Maaf dan Memaafkan: Belajar dari Nabi dan Sahabat†memiliki kecenderungan gaya komunikasi asertif. Kedua, dalam penerapannya, gaya komunikasi tersebut menggunakan dakwah bil hikmah dan mauidzah hasanah yang dibungkus dalam bentuk storytelling. Ketiga, baik metode bil hikmah maupun mauidzah hasanah sangat kompatibel dengan media Youtube sekaligus dapat menyatu dengan gaya komunikasi asertif yang diterapkan Husein Ja’far Al-Hadar.



This study aims to explore in depth the form and application of Husein Ja'far Al-Hadar's style of communication in one of his video lectures on Youtube entitled "The Greatness of Apologizing and Forgiveness: Learning from the Prophet and Friends". Husein Ja'far Al-Haidar is a Da'i who has been very successful in using Youtube as a medium of preaching, especially among young millennials, so his preaching is quite interesting to research. This study uses a qualitative approach, with the technique of observation (observation) at the primary source directly, which is audio-visual. Secondary sources are obtain from various literature or other relevant references, be it scientific journals or media coverage. Some conclusions obtained from this study, first, Husein Ja'far Al Haidar's lecture entitled "The Greatness of Asking Forgiveness and Forgiveness: Learning from the Prophet and Friends" tends to have an assertive style of communication. Second, in its application, this communication style uses the da'wah bil hikmah and mauidzah hasanah, which is wrap in storytelling form. Third, both the bil hikmah and mauidzah hasanah methods are very compatible with Youtube media as well as being able to integrate with the assertive communication style adopted by Husein Ja'far Al-Hadar.



This study aims to explore in depth the form and application of Husein Ja'far Al-Hadar's style of communication in one of his video lectures on Youtube entitled "The Greatness of Apologizing and Forgiveness: Learning from the Prophet and Friends". Husein Ja'far Al-Haidar is a Da'i who has been very successful in using Youtube as a medium of preaching, especially among young millennials, so his preaching is quite interesting to research. This study uses a qualitative approach, with the technique of observation (observation) at the primary source directly, which is audio-visual. Secondary sources are obtain from various literature or other relevant references, be it scientific journals or media coverage. Some conclusions obtained from this study, first, Husein Ja'far Al Haidar's lecture entitled "The Greatness of Asking Forgiveness and Forgiveness: Learning from the Prophet and Friends" tends to have an assertive style of communication. Second, in its application, this communication style uses the da'wah bil hikmah and mauidzah hasanah, which is wrap in storytelling form. Third, both the bil hikmah and mauidzah hasanah methods are very compatible with Youtube media as well as being able to integrate with the assertive communication style adopted by Husein Ja'far Al-Hadar.




