
  • Mulyanti Roberto Muliantino Fakultas Keperawatan, Universitas Andalas
  • Yuanita Ananda Fakultas Keperawatan, Universitas Andalas
  • Rika Sarfika Fakultas Keperawatan, Universitas Andalas



Screening, Mental Health, People With Cardiovascular Disease.


Abstrak: Pengalaman selama 2 tahun menghadapi pandemi COVID-19 menimbulkan dampak psikologis tersendiri bagi masyarakat, terutama pada masyarakat yang memiliki penyakit penyerta dan merupakan kelompok rentan terinfeksi virus corona, diantaranya penderita gangguan kardiovaskular. Penderita sering mengalami kecemasan dan depresi karena takut terinfeksi. Deteksi dini masalah kesehatan mental penting dilakukan dalam membantu pemulihan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan psikologis masyarakat. Kegiatan PKM ini bertujuan mengindentifikasi masalah kesehatan mental berupa gejala kecemasan dan depresi pada masyarakat dengan penyakit kardiovaskular. Metode PKM ini adalah melakukan skrining kesehatan mental kepada 13 orang penderita penyakit kardiovaskular. Data kecemasan dan depresi dievaluasi menggunakan kuisionerWHO-5 dan GAD-7 melalui wawancara terpimpin. Data dianalisis dan disajikan dalam bentuk distribusi frekuensi. Hasil kegiatan skrining ditemukan sebanyak 2 orang peserta diidentifikasi mengalami gejala depresi berat (15,4%), 5 orang mengalami gejala depresi sedang (38,4%), 4 orang mengalami gejala depresi ringan (30,4%), dan 2 orang dengan tanpa gejala depresi/ normal (15,4%). Deteksi dini kesehatan mental terkait pandemi COVID-19 penting dilakukan sebagai upaya identifikasi lebih awal masalah psikologis yang dialami masyarakat terutama pada masyarakat dengan penyakit penyerta kardiovaskular yang menjadi populasi rentan pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Upaya ini dapat dilakukan secara berkala dalam menjamin kesejahteraan dan kesehatan mental masyarakat.

Abstract: Two year experiences of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic has a psychological impacted, especially for peoples living with co-morbidities as a vulnerable group such as peoples with cardiovascular disease. They have experience of anxiety, stress and depression for fear of infection. Early detection of mental health was important in assisting the recovery of people's psychological health and well-being. This activity aimed to identify early mental health disorders in the form of anxiety, stress and depression in people with cardiovascular disease who are a vulnerable group during the COVID-19 pandemic. Guided interviews were used to 13 peoples with cardiovascular disease using the WHO-5 and GAD-7 instruments to evaluated anxiety and depression. The data was analyzed and presented in the form of a frequency distribution. The results showed that 2 people with cardiovascular disease had severe depression (15.4%), 5 people had moderate depression (38.4%), 4 people had mild depression (30.4%) and 2 people had minimal depression (15, 4%). Early detection of mental health related to the COVID-19 pandemic is important as an effort to identify psychological problems experienced, especially in people with cardiovascular co-morbidities who are a vulnerable population during the COVID-19 pandemic. This effort can be carried out periodically to ensure the welfare and mental health of the communities.

Author Biography

Mulyanti Roberto Muliantino, Fakultas Keperawatan, Universitas Andalas

Departemen Adult Nursing


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