


Product Diversification, Cost of Goods Produced, Selling Price, MSMEs.


Abstrak: Desa Gandamekar memiliki produk unggulan namun dalam pemanfaatannya belum dilakukan secara maksimal sehingga produksi hanya sebatas menjual tape singkong. Permasalahan selanjutnya yang umum dialami yaitu permasalahan keuangan terutama dalam penentuan harga jual. Pelaku UMKM masih menghitung penentuan harga produknya dengan mengira-ngira sehingga pelaku usaha tidak mengetahui apakah produk yang ditawarkan memberikan keuntungan ataukah sebaliknya. Dalam memberikan solusi ini dilaksanakan proses penyelesaian dengan tiga tahapan diantaranya analisis kebutuhan, sosialisasi dan pembinaan kegiatan produksi (diversifikasi produk), hingga sosialisasi dan pelatihan penentuan harga pokok produksi serta harga jual produk. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 55 pelaku UMKM di Desa Gandamekar Kabupaten Garut. Evaluasi pelaksanaan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil menunjukkan pemahaman atas materi yang disampaikan mencapai 75,09 persen sehingga sosialisasi dan pelatihan dapat terkategorikan baik. Sosialisasi diversifikasi produk dengan mengenalkan ide kreatif pengolahan singkong yang dapat menginspirasi dalam meningkatkan nilai tambah serta mengetahui jenis biaya yang menjadi dasar perhitungan harga pokok produksi secara manual hingga melalui aplikasi.

Abstract: Gandamekar Village has superior products but its utilization has not been carried out optimally so that production is only limited to selling cassava tape. The next problem that is commonly experienced is financial problems, especially in determining selling prices. MSME players still calculate the determination of the price of their products by guessing so that business actors do not know whether the products offered provide benefits or vice versa. In providing this solution, a settlement process is carried out with three stages including needs analysis, socialization and coaching of production activities (product diversification), to socialization and training on determining the cost of goods produced and selling prices of products. The research subjects amounted to 55 MSME actors in Gandamekar Village, Garut Regency. Evaluation of implementation using questionnaires. The results showed that the understanding of the material presented reached 75,09 percent so that socialization and training could be categorized well. Socialization of product diversification by introducing creative ideas for cassava processing that can inspire in increasing added value and knowing the types of costs that are the basis for calculating the cost of goods produced manually through the application.

Author Biographies

Atty Tri Juniarti, Manajemen, Universitas Pasundan

Management Department

Bayu Indra Setia, Manajemen, Universitas Pasundan

Management Department

Erry S. R. Pangestu, Manajemen, Universitas Pasundan

Management Department

Erik Syawal Alghifari, Manajemen, Universitas Pasundan

Management Department

Lira Mustika Sari, Manajemen, Universitas Pasundan

Management Department


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