
  • Tri Wulandari Kesetyaningsih Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Sri Nabawiyati Nurul Makiyah Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Janabadra Yogyakarta
  • Ludovica Prastiani Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



dengue, repellent, Aedes, ornamental plants, cultivation.


Abstrak: Dusun Gamping Kidul merupakan daerah endemic DBD, sehingga keberadaan nyamuk akan berisiko terhadap penularan DBD. Pengabdian bertujuan untuk mengenalkan jenis-jenis tanaman antinyamuk yang dapat dijadikan tanaman hias dan memberikan pengalaman ketrampilan membudidayakannya. Pelatihan dilaksanakan diikuti oleh 23 peserta dari kader Kesehatan, wakil anggota PKK dan pengurus RT setempat. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode ceramah, diskusi dan demonstrasi. Analisis pengetahuan masyarakat teantang tanaman antinyamuk menunjukkan bahwa sereh dan lavender paling popular di masyarakat sebagai tanaman antinyamuk (95,65%), diikuti oleh kemangi (56,52%), zodia (30,43%). Tidak ada yang mengetahui bahwa rosemary merupakan tanaman antinyamuk (0%). Pengetahuan mengenai morfologi tanaman, yang paling dikenal adalah sereh dan kemangi (100%), diikuti oleh zodia (82,60%), lavender (78,26%), dan rosemary (43,47%). Terdapat peserta yang mengetahui bahwa daun mint (8,69%), marigold dan minyak kayuputih (4,35%) merupakan tanaman antinyamuk. Setelah pelatihan, semua peserta dapat mengenali semua tanaman yang disajikan sebagai tanaman antinyamuk (100%). Program pengenalan tanaman antinyamuk dan budidayanya disambut baik oleh masyarakat dan akan dilaksanakan melalui pemangku kebijakan.

Abstract: Dusun Gamping Kidul is a DHF endemic area, so the presence of mosquitoes poses a risk of DHF transmission. The service aims to introduce the types of anti-mosquito plants that can be used as ornamental plants and provide experience in the skills of cultivating them. The training was carried out and was attended by 23 participants from health cadres, representatives of PKK members and local RT administrators. The method used is the method of lectures, discussions and demonstrations. Analysis of community knowledge about mosquito repellent plants showed that citronella and lavender were the most popular in the community as mosquito repellent plants (95.65%), followed by basil (56.52%), zodia (30.43%). No one knows that rosemary is an anti-mosquito plant (0%). Knowledge of plant morphology, the best known were lemongrass and basil (100%), followed by zodia (82.60%), lavender (78.26%), and rosemary (43.47%). There were participants who knew that mint leaves (8.69%), marigold and eucalyptus oil (4.35%) were mosquito repellent plants. After the training, all participants could recognize all the plants presented as anti-mosquito plants (100%). The program to introduce anti-mosquito plants and their cultivation is welcomed by the community and will be implemented through policy makers.


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