
  • Ahmad Zayadi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Nasional
  • Cahyono Heri Prasetyo Teknik Mesin, Universitas Nasional
  • Masyhudi Masyhudi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Nasional



Training, Air Conditioning System, Hard Skill, Cooling System.


Abstrak: Pasca Pandemi COVID-19, pergerakan ekonomi sudah mulai lancar. Masih banyak lulusan SMU/SMK belum memperoleh pekerjaan akibat dampak pandemic yang terjadi hampir di seluruh dunia. Pelatihan ini bertujuan agar lulusan SMU/SMK dapat memahami dan menguasai teknik sistem pendingin atau sistem tata udara khususnya AC Split. Kegiatan dilakukan tanggal 15 Juni 2022 di Laboratorium Fakultas Teknik dan Sains, jalan Bambu Kuning, Jakarta Selatan. Peserta pelatihan sebanyak 10 orang yang berasal dari warga masyarakat di sekitar Kampus Universitas Nasional dengan instruktur dosen FTS sebanyak 2 orang. Metode yang digunakan meliputi teori dan praktek. Tingkat keberhasilan kegiatan ini sebesar 85 % yang merupakan penilaian dari para peserta latihan. Sementara evaluasi keberhasilan pelatihan dengan metode pra test dan post-test menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan Hard Skill peserta meningkat dari 56 % menjadi 73 %.

Abstract: After the COVID-19 Pandemic, the economic movement has started to run smoothly. There are still many high school/vocational high school graduates who have not found work due to the impact of the pandemic that has occurred almost all over the world. This training aims to enable high school/vocational high school graduates to understand and master the techniques of cooling systems or air conditioning systems, especially split air conditioners. The activity was carried out on June 15, 2022, at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Jalan Bambu Kuning, South Jakarta. Ten training participants came from the community around the National University Campus with 2 FTS instructor instructors. The method used includes theory and practice. The success rate of this activity is 85% which is the assessment of the training participants. At the same time, the training evaluation showed that the participants' Hard Skill knowledge level increased from 56% to 73%.


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