
  • Ruliyanta Ruliyanta Teknik Elektro, Universitas Nasional
  • Wismanto Setyadi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Nasional
  • Muhammad Al Fauzi Teknik Elektro, Universitas Nasional



Energy Profile, transformer, Electrical Load, Energy Consumption Intensity.


Abstrak: Kegiatan ini dilakukan pasca Pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia. Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia secara signifikan sangat mengganggu ekonomi di Indonesia, pusat belanja banyak ditinggalkan konsumen dalam hal ini penyewa toko. Saat ini, gedung mulai beroperasi secara normal. Tentunya terjadi perubahan profile energi sebelum dan pasca terjadi pandemi. Profile energi diperlukan untuk melihat indeks konsumsi energi (IKE). Kegiatan pendampingan pengukuran beban listrik ini bertujuan untuk melihat profile konsumsi energi dan analisisnya menghasilkan nilai IKE. Hasil pendampingan berjalan dengan lancar atas 15 orang teknisi secara bergilir. Metode pendampingan dalam kegiatan ini berupa arahan teknis dan klasifikasi pengukuran beban listrik bangunan berdasarkan kelompok profile konsumsi energi. Hasil pendampingan berupa profile konsumsi energi. Hasilnya terjadi anomali dimana konsumsi energi untuk sistem AC yang digunakan hanya 48 %, sedangkan nilai rata-rata di pusat perbelanjaan di Indonesia adalah 62,9 %. Besarnya listrik yang dijual kembali kepada tenant mencapai 37 %, selebihnya digunakan untuk mendukung fasilitas gedung lainnya. Kegiatan ini juga menghasilkan analisis IKE sebesar 17,46 kWh/bulan/m2 atau setara dengan 209,47 kWh/m2/tahun untuk nilai GFA (Gross Floor Area).

Abstract: This activity was carried out after the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia has significantly disrupted the economy in Indonesia; many shopping centers have been abandoned by consumers, in this case, shop tenants. Currently, the building is starting to operate normally. Of course, there was a change in the energy profile before and after the pandemic. The energy profile is needed to see the energy consumption index (IKE). This assistance activity aims to see the energy consumption profile and its analysis to produce an IKE value. The results of the assistance went smoothly for 15 engineer. The assistance method in this activity is in the form of technical directives and classification of building electrical load measurements based on load group profiles. The assistance results in the form of an energy consumption profile. The result is an anomaly where the energy consumption for the AC system used is only 48 %, while the average value in shopping centers in Indonesia is 62.9 %. The amount of electricity resold to tenants reaches 37 %, and the rest is used to support other building facilities. This activity also resulted in an IKE analysis of 17.46 kWh/month/m2, or the equivalent of 209.47 kWh/m2/year, for the GFA (Gross Floor Area) value.


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