
  • Ana Majdawati Bagian Radiologi, Prodi Kedokteran, Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta




Google Form, Brainstorming, Quality of Life, Long Covid-19, Covid


Abstrak: Penyintas Covid Wilayah Puskesmas Jetis II cukup tinggi, 158 orang (Dinkes Bantul, 2020). Rekapitulasi google form oleh Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat FKIK UMY pada Penyintas Covid: 1). kasus long-covid 37,1% (keluhan terbanyak mudah lelah), 2). Prosentase Penyintas Covid yang membutuhkan informasi penatalaksanaan Covid 50,2%; 3). Penyintas Covid yang melakukan protokol kesehatan tinggi (97,8%), tetapi jumlah penyintas banyak terinfeksi Covid. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan teknik pernafasan penyintas covid dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas hidup long-covid. Metode: sosialisasi permasalahan dengan ceramah dan brainstorming (online - tatap muka), dan pelatihan teknik pernafasan. Pesertanya tokoh masyarakat, kader kesehatan yang diharapkan dapat menularkan pengetahuan, ketrampilannya kepada penyintas dan masyarakat. Evaluasi secara langsung menilai pengetahuan peserta terhadap permasalahan long-covid sebelum dan sesudah penyampaian materi. Evaluasi menunjukkan perbaikan antara sebelum pemberian materi yang menjawab benar 30%, semua peserta tidak dapat melakukan teknik pernafasan dengan benar. Setelah pemberan materi peserta dapat menjawab benar 80% dan melakukan teknik pernafasan benar 100%.


Abstract: Covid survivors in the Jetis II Health Center area are quite high, 158 people (Bantul Health Office, 2020). Recapitulation of google form by the Community Service Team of FKIK UMY on Covid Survivors: 1). 37.1% long-covid cases (most complaints are easily tired), 2). Percentage of Covid Survivors who need information on Covid management 50.2%; 3). Covid survivors who carry out health protocols are high (97.8%), but a large number of survivors are infected with Covid. The purpose of this community service is to increase knowledge and skills of respiratory techniques for Covid survivors in an effort to improve the quality of life for long-covid. Methods: socializing problems with lectures and brainstorming (online - face to face), and training in breathing techniques. The participants are community leaders, health cadres who are expected to be able to transmit their knowledge, skills to survivors and the community. The evaluation directly assesses participants' knowledge of long-covid problems before and after the delivery of the material. The evaluation showed an improvement between before giving the material that answered 30% correctly, all participants could not do the breathing technique correctly. After giving the material, participants can answer 80% correctly and perform 100% correct breathing techniques.


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