
  • Musdalipah Musdalipah Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Eny Nurhikma Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Suhikma Sofyan Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Nirwati Rusli Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Nursaadah Daud Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Lilis Yusriani Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Syamsu Alam Universitas HaluOleo



Tawaloho leaves, Biscuits, Kedondong Leaves


Abstrak: Daun tawaloho, atau daun kedondong hutan digunakan masyarakat Mekar Baru untuk menambah cita rasa pada masakan. Daun kedondong hutan tumbuh di sebagian pekarangan rumah masyarakat. Informasi terkait kandungan kimia dan farmakologi pada tumbuhan belum banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat. Daun kedondong hutan memiliki aktivitas antioksidan, antidiabetes, antihipertensi, anticancer dan antikolesterol. Tujuan kegiatan ini dilakukan sebagai salah satu pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam rangka pemanfaatan daun tawaloho sebagai biskuit makanan sehat. Metode kegiatan dilakukan dengan sosialisasi pembuatan biskuit tawaloho pada 50 orang masyarakat Mekar Baru. Adanya pandemik covid 19, kegiatan dilakukan secara terbatas pada beberapa rumah warga yang cukup luas. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan dengan pemberian kuesioner tentang cita rasa biskuit meliputi uji organoleptik dan uji kesukaan (bau dan warna), kerenyahan, dan kekerasan biskuit. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan masyarakat Mekar Baru sangat antusias mengikuti pembuatan biskuit tawaloho. Hasil pengujian organoleptik sediaan biskuit menunjukkan berwarna kuning kecoklatan dengan aroma bau khas susu, rasa khas biskuit dan berbentuk padat. Uji kesukaan pada biskuit menunjukkan rasa suka (90%) dan tidak suka (10%). Uji kerenyahan menunjukkan rasa renyah (94%) dan tidak renyah (6%). Pada uji kekerasan menunjukkan rasa keras pada biskuit (0%) dan lembut dikonsumsi (100%). Hasil kegiatan memberikan wawasan dan pengetahuan baru bagi masyarakat tentang cara pengolahan daun tawaloho dalam sediaan biskuit yang dapat dijadikan makanan sehat.

Abstract:  Tawaloho leaves or forest kedondong leaves are used by the Mekar Baru community to add flavor to dishes. The leaves of the forest kedondong grow partly in the yards of people's homes. Information related to chemical and pharmacology in plants is not widely known by the public. Forest kedondong leaves have antioxidant, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, anticancer and anticholesterol activities. This goal is carried out as one of the community services in the context of utilizing tawaloho leaves as healthy food biscuits. The method of activity was carried out by socializing the making of tawaloho biscuits to 50 people from the Mekar Baru community. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the activities carried out are limited to a number of residents' houses which are quite large. The evaluation was done by giving a questionnaire about biscuits taste including organoleptic and preference tests (smell and color), crunchiness, and hardness of biscuits. The results of the activity showed that the people of Mekar Baru were very enthusiastic in participating in the making of tawaloho biscuits. The results of organoleptic testing of biscuit preparations showed a brownish yellow color with a distinctive smell of milk, a distinctive taste of biscuits, and a solid form. The liking test on biscuits showed likes (90%) and dislikes (10%). The crispness test showed crunchy (94%) and not crunchy (6%). In the hardness test, the biscuits tasted hard (0%) and soft (100%). The results of the activity are new insights and knowledge for the community about how to process tawaloho leaves in biscuit preparations that can be used as healthy food.


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