
  • Nur Chayati Magister Keperawatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Ema Waliyanti Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Non Communicable Disease Posbindu, Health Cadres, Physical Activity, Hypertension, Smoke


Abstrak: Dukuh Banyusri terletak di Kecamatan Jatinom Kabupaten Klaten Jawa Tengah. Data dari sejumlah 42 warga yang terlibat dalam kegiatan pengabdian sebelumnya yang terdiri dari 24 perempuan dan 18 laki-laki diperoleh angka insiden buta warna sebanyak 43%, tekanan darah sistole tertinggi 248 mmHg, tekanan darah diastole tertinggi 147 mmHg (21 warga berstatus hipertensi dan hipertensi emergensi). Rata-rata tekanan darah sistole adalah 150,8 mmHg. Dari data ini menunjukkan bahwa warga Banyusri sudah berada pada level waspada atau zona merah terjadinya penyakit tidak menular terutama hipertensi. Komplikasi yang dapat muncul karena hipertensi ini meliputi stroke, gagal jantung, penyakit pembuluh darah tepi, gagal ginjal, serta kelainan saraf seperti retinopati. Program pengabdian masyarakat ditujukan untuk membentuk posbindu PTM sebagai pusat pemeriksaan kesehatan berbasis kemandirian masyarakat. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan menggandeng mitra perkumpulan remaja yang akan berfokus pada penguatan kapasitas pemuda untuk bisa menjadi pemuda peduli kesehatan warga. Luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah terbentuk Posbindu PTM “Mekar Asri†dan terlaksana kegiatan pemeriksaan kesehatan. Posbindu PTM terbentuk melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang meliputi pelatihan cara  melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan kepada kader (cara mengukur tinggi badan, berat badan, mengukur tensi), dan mengadakan pemeriksaan kesehatan. Jumlah kader Posbindu sebanyak 21 orang. Jumlah warga yang hadir sebanyak 94 warga (33 laki-laki dan 61 perempuan). Kondisi tekanan darah, indek massa tubuh rata-rata warga dalam kategori normal, namun nilai tertinggi systole mencapai 201 mmHg dan diastole 116 mmHg (hipertensi emergency). Faktor risiko PTM dari segi perilaku adalah frekuensi makan buah dan sayur kurang dari 5 porsi dalam sahari, serta kurang aktifitas fisik. Untuk faktor risiko PTM dari keluarga adalah adanya anggota keluarga yang merokok. Diperlukan peran Posbindu untuk mengendalikan faktor risiko PTM tersebut melalui kegiatan pemeriksaan Kesehatan secara rutin.


Abstract:  Banyusri subdistrict is located in Jatinom district, Klaten regency, Central Java. Data from 42 residents who were involved in previous community service activities consisting of 24 women and 18 men obtained a color blind incidence rate of 43%, the highest systolic blood pressure was 248 mmHg, the highest diastolic blood pressure was 147 mmHg (21 residents had hypertension and hypertension status). emergency). The average systolic blood pressure was 150.8 mmHg. This data shows that the residents of Banyusri are already at the alert level or the red zone for the occurrence of non-communicable diseases, especially hypertension. Complications that can arise due to hypertension include stroke, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, kidney failure, and neurological disorders such as retinopathy. The community service program is aimed at establishing a non communicable disease Posbindu as a center for health checks based on community independence. The activity is carried out by cooperating with youth association partners who will focus on strengthening the capacity of youth to become youths who care about the health of citizens. The output of this activity is the establishment of the "Mekar Asri" non communicable disease Posbindu and the implementation of health checks. The non communicable disease Posbindu was formed through a series of activities which included training on how to conduct health checks for cadres (how to measure height, weight, measure blood pressure), and conduct health checks. The number of Posbindu cadres is 21 people. The number of residents who attended was 94 residents (33 men and 61 women). The condition of blood pressure, the average body mass index of residents are in the normal category, but the highest value for systole reached 201 mmHg and diastolic 116 mmHg (hypertension emergency). The risk factors for non communicable disease in terms of behavior are the frequency of eating less than 5 portions of fruit and vegetables in a day, and lack of physical activity. The risk factor for non communicable disease from the family is the presence of a family member who smokes. The role of Posbindu is needed to control the PTM risk factors through routine health checks.



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