
  • Nurbaya Nurbaya Jurusan Gizi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat
  • Zaki Irwan Jurusan Gizi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat
  • Najdah Najdah Jurusan Gizi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat



Cadre, Counseling, Posyandu, Stunting


Abstrak: Angka kejadian stunting masih cukup tinggi di Sulawesi Barat yaitu sebesar 40,38% dan menempatkan provinsi ini menjadi provinsi tertinggi kedua di Indonesia yang memiliki balita stunting. Salah satu intervensi sensitif pada upaya pencegahan stunting adalah konseling menyusui yang dapat meningkatkan cakupan pemberian ASI Eksklusif. Tujuan kegiatan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan konseling pada kader Posyandu di daerah lokus stunting. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Laliko sebagai salah satu desa lokus stunting di Kecamatan Campalagian, Kabupaten Polewali Mandar, Sulawesi Barat. Mitra pada kegiatan ini adalah 12 kader Posyandu dan 22 ibu baduta. Adapun metode yang digunakan yaitu penyuluhan dalam bentuk ceramah, diskusi dan role-play . Materi yang diberikan tentang manfaat ASI Eksklusif dan keterampilan konseling dan disampaikan oleh tim Pengabdian Masyarakat Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Kemenkes Mamuju. Kader dilatih dan melakukan identifikasi masalah dan role-play konseling secara langsung pada ibu balita. Pengabdian masyarakat ini berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan konseling pada kader serta meningkatkan rasa percaya diri mereka .

Abstract: The prevalence of stunting is still quite high in West Sulawesi, which is 40.38%. It places this province as the second-highest province in Indonesia with stunted children. One of the sensitive interventions in stunting prevention is breastfeeding counseling which can increase the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding. The purpose of the activity was to improve counseling skills for Posyandu cadres in the stunting locus area. This activity was carried out in Laliko Village as one of the stunting locus villages in Campalagian District, Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi. The subjects of this activity were 12 Posyandu cadres and 22 under-two mothers. The methods used were lectures, discussions, and role-play. The material provided was about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding and counseling skills and delivered by the Community Service Team of the Nutrition Department, Mamuju Health Polytechnic. Cadres were trained and carried out problem identification and role-play counseling directly to under-five mothers. This community service had succeeded in increasing the knowledge and counseling skills of cadres and increasing their self-confidence.


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