Determination of Optimal Portfolio by Calculating Transaction Costs using Genetic Algorithms on the Jakarta Islamic Index


  • Sinta Oktavia Nur Fadhila Statistics Study Program, Yogyakarta State University
  • Agus Maman Abadi Mathematics Study Program, Yogyakarta State University
  • Ezra Putranda Setiawan Statistics Study Program, Yogyakarta State University



Genetic Algorithm, Transaction Costs, Minimum Variance, Optimal Portfolio.


The optimal portfolio is a portfolio that can provide maximum returns at the same level of risk. In investing, the term "high return, high risk" is known, meaning that the higher the return, the higher the risk. Therefore, investors need to develop an optimal portfolio to obtain the maximum return on investment at the same level of risk. This study aims to determine the optimal formation of a stock portfolio by calculating transaction costs using the genetic algorithm method on stocks that are members of the Jakarta Islamic Index. This research uses data of daily return on stocks included in Jakarta Islamic Index from 1 August 2020-1 August 2022. The dataset consists of two variables: the date of observation and daily stock returns. The method used in this study is the minimum variance method and the genetic algorithm. Data analysis was divided into two stages: model formulation and model testing through case studies. The analysis of optimal portfolio formation using genetic algorithms shows that in terms of performance, the minimum variance portfolio is superior to the genetic algorithm portfolio, as indicated by the Sharpe ratio value. Meanwhile, the genetic algorithm portfolio is superior to the minimum variance portfolio regarding transaction costs. The genetic algorithm portfolio can provide a fairly high total return, small transaction costs, and good performance compared to the minimum portfolio. Hence, the genetic algorithm portfolio is worthy of recommendation to investors.


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