Comparison of Mediation Effects on Interaction and Multigroup Approach in Structural Equation Modeling PLS in Case of Bank Mortgage


  • Ulfah Maisaroh Departement of Statistics, University of Brawijaya
  • Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes Departement of Statistics, University of Brawijaya
  • Atiek Iriany Departement of Statistics, University of Brawijaya
  • Mohammad Ohid Ullah Department of Statistics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology



Interaction Approach, Mediation Effect, Moderation, Multigroup Approach, Structural Equation Modeling.


“Structural Equation Modeling is one of multivariate statistical method that used to explain multiple relationships between latent variables simultaneously to test a mediation model to conduct a formal test on mediation effects. Application PLS-SEM for exploratory research and theory development are increasing. Under certain conditions, the effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variable is also strengthened or weakened by moderating variable. In SEM, there are two approaches in analyzing moderation variables, namely the interaction method and the multigroup method. This article aims to compare the mediation effect on interaction approaches and multigroup approaches in Structural Equation Modeling. The data used is the case of timeliness of Bank X mortgage payments. In this article, statistical methods are evaluated to compare indirect effect between groups and examine indirect effect on each group. It was concluded that Collectability Status moderates the indirect relationship between Capital and the Timeliness of Payment through Willingness to Pay. Debtors with current collectability status more strongly effect the Timeliness of Payment than debtors with incurrect collectability status. Theresults of testing indirect effects on moderation with interaction and multigroup approaches are not much different. In the multigroup approach, the bootstrap interval bias is smaller than the bootstrap interval bias in the interaction approach. The Q-square Predictive Relevance value in both methods is quite high, indicating that the model is good. On the Current Collectibility Status group Q^2 is 89.3%, in the incurrect Collectibility Status Q^2 is 84.2%. While in the interaction approach, Q^2 is 70.4%. Researcher recommend a multigroup approach to data that has categorical moderation variables because differences between groups can be directly observed without adding interaction variables in the model.â€


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