Geometry Learning Through Batik Reconstruction


  • Ratnadewi Ratnadewi Department of Electrical Engineering, Maranatha Christian University
  • Agus Prijono Department of Electrical Engineering, Maranatha Christian University
  • Ariesa Pandanwangi Faculty of Arts and Design, Maranatha Christian University



Geometry, Motifs, Turtle graphics, Vector images.


In this world, the shapes of objects, including Batik motifs in Indonesia, are regular and irregular. One of the regular Batik motifs is Surya Kawung Batik from Mojokerto. The purpose of this research is to observe the ability of the Electrical Engineering Department students in Maranatha Christian University to study and reconstruct the geometric shapes of Surya Kawung Batik. In the making of the Batik motifs, the research methods employed are survey, observation, exploration, testing, and improvement, while in the learning process, the method applied is descriptive qualitative, in which the researchers check the data credibility. Turtle graphics algorithm and mathematical calculations are used to form Batik geometric motifs. The result of this research shows an increase in the students' ability to learn the geometric shapes and to reconstruct digital Batik motifs which resemble the original Batik motifs and which can be stored using a smaller memory. If the memory for storing motifs is small, the required storage space will be more efficient.


Author Biography

Ratnadewi Ratnadewi, Department of Electrical Engineering, Maranatha Christian University

Electrical Engineering Department


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